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Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:12 pm
by Munchkin
I think it must be time for a reminder...

CP (dis)organised the last slalom so now it's Kate's turn...

The next event is on the 19/20 June.

The cakes are on order, Mrs CP will be creating the yummiest prizes around, the sun has been ordered so now we just need some competitors :)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:22 pm
by Munchkin
Oooh, looks like this weekend will be nice and warm, a perfect time to practice your skills before the Orton Mere slalom next weekend :D

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:51 pm
by Slapdash Sal
Another plug for Proteus slalom at Orton Mere on the outskirts of Peterborough (Easy access off the A1). It's a great event for Div 4 and 3 K1 youngsters (and oldies). Alternatively, try out a C1 or C2 if you are ranked in K1 in a higher division. Because it's a weir slalom you can see the canoeists from start to finish - Children can feel that they have some freedom as you can view them from afar. Great for viewing as you can view from every bank. A great slalom for families as the camping is right next to the river and there's a country park a short walk away with great cycle routes, sailing and bird watching. There's even the Nene Valley steam train that stops at the station close by for any enthusiasts - It was Thomas the Tank Engine recently.
Come and try it and see.
Slapdash Sal

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:56 am
by jim croft
If you want to come to a Div 4 / 3 in the heart of the Somerset Country Side and the best refreshments in the Country - try Langham Farm as an alternative and have a GREAT weekend.
:) JC & CD Vice Presidents

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:30 am
by Anne
Hope to pop to Langham Farm as home that weekend!!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:38 am
by Canadian Paddler
Poor attempt to hijack the thread Jim. This is about the best slalom in the country that weekend, ORTON MERE, if you want to publise some local event in the Southwest do it in your own thread!

(ps if you do live south and west of frome it is a fun event, but (bias showing) Orton is much more fun :D

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:00 am
by CDC
:p Sounds like sour grapes to me Colin or don't you like healthy compertition

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:48 pm
by Canadian Paddler
a) there is no competition between the two events, this is avoided through the managed Calendar, adminsitered by ...
2) Wikipedia defines thread hijacking as (inter alia)
Thread hijacking in internet forum communication is the act of steering a discussion off-topic by discussing a subject entirely unrelated to the subject at hand.

While this can be an intentional act of trolling, it is often accidental - caused by participants in the discussion responding to a throwaway remark, thus taking the thread off at a tangent to the original subject matter. The results often provoke a feeling of resentment from the author of the original post

I beieve this fell into the accidental category anyway

iii) Who banned banter? Jim has known me for longer than I care to admit, and knows that if I wanted to be nasty I could have been (and have been to him {Sorry Jim}) much worse

IV) the posting pushed this up to the top of the list of postsm and got more people reading it - just like this will do! perhaps that was part of the motive

- still think " frome it is a fun event, but (bias showing) Orton is much more fun "

Run out of indexes and bullets now so the rest of you do not just sit there get out and go to one of tehse events. Support your local club, encourage the up and coming paddlers (or become one) amd ENJOY a relaxed event.

By teh way for you more northerly types (CD PAddler et al) do not forget ALVA a deadly set of competitions Somerset, Peterborough and Cowdenbeath.

CDC hope your grapes are not sour, mine have made a rther nice wine, sitting in the sun with a glass

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:57 pm
by John Sturgess

Anyone looking for the Alva slalom in the vicinity of Cowdenbeath is going to get a shock!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:05 pm
by Canadian Paddler
Ah but the organiser lives there, so he can point them in the right direction (Bluffing again, thanks John) :blush:

End of the day, don't just sit there, go out and support the lower divisions, - or paddle something, OBVIOUSLY I would prefer you to come to Kate's event at Orton, but if you are in Scotland, or Devon, I will admit it might be a bit of a slog, so go to the closer event.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:18 am
by Canadian Paddler
OK looked it up, and Alva is aparently (Kincardine) and near Stirling. Yes it's one of the venues I have not been to yet.

Where as Orton Mere is in Peterborough, convenient for the A1, so easy to get to North or South and with camping by the weir safe and easy for families, or thos ewho like to stay in their beds and roll out just in time for their runs :D See you there :p

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:26 pm
by andya
Canadian PAddler wrote:Poor attempt to hijack the thread Jim. This is about the best slalom in the country that weekend, ORTON MERE, if you want to publise some local event in the Southwest do it in your own thread!

Thanks for the suggestion Canadian Paddler, you can find the thread here:;

We Somerset Yokles been hard at work today, trying to reduce the Bullsh*t in Slalom. Click link above for details.

Hope you guys at the weir have a great weekend too. Here's some of my ancient history .. guess the year?


Hint - it was a Novice/Div4, and I remember it as big water and windy. If I recall right Jim, Tim and Lance were there too.

PS - this is simply a reply to your post, and hence can't be a hijack ... :D :D

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:56 pm
by Canadian Paddler
Brings back memories, my first ever slalom was Peterborough, back in 19(not saying but BEFORE Richard Fox was in div 2!)

Weather forecast for this weekend is good, so get out and have fun folks. Orton Mere with lots of prizes, relaxed atmosphere, camping next to the sllaom site, or if that is too far, Frome (many years siince I was there, but good memories) Or Alva (one day I will go).

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:59 pm
by GreenPeter
Reference Picture.

Novice/Div4 !!! We were obiviously made of sterner stuff back then (or just stupid).
Note reverse gate 10 upstream on a boil ! You try telling the youngesters about how tough it was back then, they just don't believe you, we were up to pratise half hour before we went to bed.

Please note we are far to kind these days and will not put gates anywhere near any nasty boils, not that there will be any at the weekend.

Any way I'm sure the picture is a fake, because didn't the sun always shine in the olden days? Thats what my dad told me or was it Collin that said that?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:25 pm
by andya
Blimey, you're right. I just checked the original 4x6 that was scanned off. Its gate 11, but it is a reverse upstream on a boil. Red on left for those too young to remember.

I remember that event well. The big move wasn't that reverse. It was the break in to the top of the shoot, and then surf at least half way across the top wave (approx 3foot??), to reach a downstream mid flow on the 2nd wave.

Most novices (myself included) picked up at least one 50 on both runs.:D

Happy days ...