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McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:04 pm
by Dave Royle
unless it is really justifyable. Appropriate reason might be "Arm fallen off. Won't be able to race. Photo attached." Keep it brief.

Last year I fielded several hundred emails on the subject of the McConkey Slalom. I don't wish to go through the same headache again.

I will include your entry when I get a card and cheque. No other means will be accepted.
If paying for paddleups (not sure there will be space) separate cheques please so I can throw them away.
For clarity I didn't charge correct fees last year. Paddleup is a separate event so separate single entry fee.
I don't need to know your card is coming. It will arrive when it arrives.

I won't even be checking the email address until closer to the time!

Thanks for your understanding.

ps If you have already emailed, don't worry and especially don't write to apologise.

Re: McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:41 pm
by boater rich
The best part about emails full stop. Love it.

Re: McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:26 pm
by JimW
Dave Royle wrote:Appropriate reason might be "Arm fallen off. Won't be able to race. Photo attached." Keep it brief.
Do you want a photo of the arm, or the bit where the arm should be?

Re: McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:36 pm
by Dee
Dave Royle wrote: ps If you have already emailed, don't worry and especially don't write to apologise.
Was my favourite bit. :D

Re: McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:47 pm
by Dave Royle
I have just noticed that there are loads of folk who think it is funny to post date cheques.

Stop it. It is not funny. Just more work for me. Date the cheque with the date you write it.

I will bank the cheques two weeks before the event. If they get bounced, or rejected for post dating, I will charge £10 to sort out the ensuing mess if there is still space to fit you in. I will email those I think need to do something. Please don't all start emailing me to ask what date you put on the cheque.

Oh and while I am at it

Your bib number is also your start number so write it on your card.

I am currently collating email addresses so I can confirm entries and queries about post dated cheques and wrong amounts (more work) but I am struggling to read quite a few. Write clearly!

If you are in Div 1 and paddling up in the Prem, that will be £38.50, thank you. Not £31 see previous post.

Sorry. I used to be calm and mild mannered up to the month before a race I'm organising but that has now been extended to five months before a race. That's nearly half the year that the dining room table is covered with blue cards, cheques, envelopes and notes from people explaining why they couldn't just fill in a card and a cheque.

Re: McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:44 pm
by Kelso
I am with you all the way Dave.
See my post concerning Grandtully Div 1 Slalom in August...

Our bank process cheques regardless of post-dating...
Get them into the bank, so they do not get lost.

Kelso Riddell - Forth Canoe Club

Re: McConkey 21/22 May - Please don't email...

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:44 pm
by CeeBee
I can see why organisers would want to bank cheques , especially those received early.

In the past, entries were typically received 2-4 weeks before a race so an organiser was only sitting on cheques for a few weeks. This was acceptable and collating and processing entries took only a couple of weeks.

Now, people are entering so far ahead, that if you don't bank the cheques, you need somewhere safe to keep them. What happens if the organiser is on holiday, gets burgled and all the cheques stolen?

The problem is that we are in the position that if you don't enter early, you probably won't get an entry but most people don't have funds in January and February (particularly as this is after Christmas), to pay for the season's entries up front.

So, we need to find a sensible solution.

Can't imagine a scenario when Kelso would ever lose a cheque!