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Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier !

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:20 pm
by Flyhigh3
The Tees Barrage slaloms are not far away, so don't forget to get your entries in!

The Barrage have asked that all participants complete the medical consent and whitewater forms before they go on the water. It is certainly worth downloading and completing before the day to avoid delays. They can be accessed from the TBIWWC website under white water kayaking, activity guidelines, or below ... ITABLE.pdf


E-Mail: - let them know they are for the event


Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:15 pm
by davebrads
I paddled at Teesside about 6 months ago and filled in either the same or very similar forms at the time. I won't have to fill them in again will I?

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:47 pm
by Flyhigh3
I have asked the question to TBIWWC and will let you know. But I would be prepared to at least sign in and confirm no changes even if the answer is no, as they will be checking names against the start list and will need the information in relation to paddlers on the day. They have said they will have a couple of staff in reception from to facilitate.

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:14 am
by Flyhigh3
Hi Dave

From centre manager:

"Anyone who has been to the centre in the last calendar year will have their details on file and will just need to sign in with us at reception. If they hold a TBIWWC card they can just have this swiped on entry.
Anyone who is outside of a year since they last came will have to fill out the forms again"

I hope this helps

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:39 pm
by harratts
I am not sure what will be required when paddlers arrive at Tees Barrage on the day of the planned race but this process could result in a significant queue forming.

Would the centre staff be willing to process these forms in advance if sent in the post so that people only had to give their names on the actual race day to sign in?

Just a thought.

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:51 pm
by Flyhigh3
Yes, they are fine with that

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:41 pm
by Flyhigh3
UPDATE. Forms can now be completed on-line and emailed. Please spread the word to avoid delays ... ITABLE.pdf

E-Mail: and let them know they are for the event

Please note the Saturday event is now FULL
We are working on a start list and will be up at the beginning of next week

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:29 am
by Flyhigh3
Start list now up - and as you can see it is going to be VERY BUSY on Saturday with main runs at 45 sec intervals and over 250 please bear with us and please ensure people keep an eye on run times and be considerate in parking etc.

We also recognise that there is little time to view water on before practice runs.....we will try to see if we can get water on a bit earlier, but again, the only way we could do it with the time we had available. The course will be up from Friday pm.

Judges meeting will be c 9.30 on the saturday

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:05 pm
by Haggis Hunter
Many thanks for a fantastic weekends racing! Great venue a perfectly organised event, you did yourselves proud with a start list of that magnitude :D look forward to future events at Tees Barrage. Thank you.

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:21 pm
by Paul K
I am upset at the end events this afternoon.
After My Daughter's last C1w run, We decided to put our first protest into control.
My grievance is that we put the protest in paid our fees and we told what would happen.
We waited for 30mins plus and then as prizes we being laid out on table, My Daughter went into control to ask the outcome.
She was told the protest was rejected and the jury had gone home.
No reason or the protest post on wall.
Bad times. You take our money, say no and no explanation.
Why bother. Upset Daughter, Mother and Father.
I won't mention the other comment!!! But noted!!!!
A sad end to a great weekend of racing.

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:35 pm
by boatmum
I am sorry you were upset.

your daughters 2 protests were thoroughly investigated getting down both sides of the course to speak to both judges takes time - I am neither a sprinter or a spring chicken - :-) so apologies if it felt like a long time to wait but in order to get to as safe a verdict as possible time is required and it is important to speak to both the gate judge and the section gate judge who were judging the 2 gates in question. the explanations given by both judges were discussed in some detail and the results written on the protest forms which were put up on the results board.

I certainly was around by control until after prize giving and was available to talk to had I been asked.

if you would like to pm me I am happy to pass on the information on the 2 penalties. I can remember them as they were the last protests of the day.

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:43 am
by Flyhigh3
This was my first time helping to organise a slalom at the size and level of this weekend. Thanks to all who made it go so well. It has made me realise that emotions run high on these events, on both sides. Understandably, as people are passionate about the sport, or about their racing, or about their children's racing, or their coached paddler, or about making it go just right on time, or about making it a success, or about making the right decision, or about their club.

At any event, there will always be mistakes, things that seem unfair (been through that one a lot ourselves!), things that seem inconsistent, things that don't go just right. But pretty well most people are trying their best, and a friendly word on both sides at these times makes things so much easier. We all have our chimps and we all let them out at times.

All the little things matter, of course they matter, but in the grand scheme of things and in the entirety of an event...they are just things to pleasantly resolve or get better next time.....and we want there to be next times

p.s Lloyd would like to apologise to the young lady he failed to rescue on the bottom corner...

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:40 pm
by boatmum

I could be wrong - but I am not sure that the points shown for the K1W for the Tees prem race last Sunday are correct

23 women in class on start line

2nd place I think should be 957 points 3rd 913, 4th 870 - I haven't gone further down


Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:49 pm
by Flyhigh3

It's because of paddle ups - if you note there are three women who were paddling up, so they aren't included in the points tables - hence 20 actual prems in race, so 950 - hope that makes sense.

Re: Tees Barrage Div 1/2/Junior and Vet Champs, and Premier

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:09 pm
by boatmum
Ah - forgot about the paddle ups !

Many thanks for the clarification ☺