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Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:56 am
by MikeH
From this post here nene stuff
"As you may know, we failed to get onto next year's calendar, by a few days. We will be considering whether to try and get in as a late addition. In view of the tiny numbers of Div 4 entries (8 Saturday, 5 Sunday) we need to give thought about whether to include Div 4. Several of our committee are quite anxious to include them, in the hope of encouraging participation within our club, but leaving them out saves us money, and allows a more flexible course design. It also allows us to take more Div 2 and 3 entries if we are oversubscribed, again a financial advantage."

Hopefully Nene will be reinstated on the calendar, it will be a sad loss if it doesn't. Sadly a few events seem to suffering from death by bureaucracy.

Based on the numbers of div 4 entries I would think that it would be probably be better to concentrate on Div 2/3. Although at the same time it would be a shame to lose another Div4 event.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:16 pm
by Fup Duck
I'd missed this on the other post - maybe due to the title.


Is there no flexibility to reinstate this whatever the divisions. People work hard to run these things and voluntarily and probably to the detriment of their personal lives sometimes. I can't believe this can't be accommodated rather than chipping another piece off the sport. It hardly seems positive for anyone.

If anyone can say otherwise

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:12 pm
by Dadstaxi
Agree that it would best be set as a 2/3 as the situation of Div 4 was not just a problem at Nene but Matlock also ran a Div 4 on the same weekend and had even fewer entrants!!

It would be a real shame if it isn't a race at Nene next year as I believe it gives those in Div 3 the chance to get on fast/ unpredictable water - okay not akin to HPP - but with reasonable comfort that they won't get swept 3 miles downstream if they swim! Nene is a great confidence builder
Good luck in keeping it in the calender as either a 2/3 or 2/3/4.


Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:50 pm
by Munchkin
This message board seems to be getting more and more like reading a tabloid with people jumping on any bandwagon they can get hold of... :angry:

The front page website clearly states that "Any late applications received before 1st November by the Managed Calendar Officer, Jenny Walker, will be taken forward for consideration at the ACM, provided that the other clubs who have already applied for the date requested have no objection to the addition of the slalom on that date."

There has to be a deadline given otherwise it would be impossible to put together the calendar in the first place. The deadline was clear to everyone and it is not Jenny nor the committees fault if the deadline was missed. There is an opportunity to apply for the event to be reinstated but obvously those clubs who got their applications in time should have priority.

So yes Fub Duck "Is there no flexibility to reinstate this whatever the divisions."? There is flexibility and that is clearly stated on the website.

"People work hard to run these things and voluntarily and probably to the detriment of their personal lives sometimes", and trust me, so do the volunteers like Jenny and the rest of the committee. Being a committee-widow I can tell you that a lot of of hard work is put in by those that we have elected to represent us, many of whom dont participate in the sport and no longer have family participating in the sport so really do it for the love of the sport not to pursue their own interests (like the rest of us). So they don't implement deadlines etc for their own benefit, they do it so that it is fair on everyone.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:51 pm
by Munchkin
ps. I agree that the Nene would be better as a Div 2/3. I was promoted from Div 4 to Div 3 there when the Div 4's did the whole course and can't see the point of the Div 4 now that they have to start below the drop!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:46 am
by Fup Duck
that's good for all then as we all agree that a lot of people work hard. I am guilty of not spending my (entire) time on the website but am pretty sure that's a credit not a fault