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Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:13 pm
by davewaine
I have just heard that the Slalom Committee do not want Shepperton to run a Div 1 slalom next year. (It's was on the provisional calender for Mar 5/6).
Although the water level can not be relied on it is no worse than some of the other Div 1 sites and is usually at a good level in March. If Div 1's can be run at Llandysul and Abbey Rapids with hardly enough water to float a kayak then there is no reason why Shepperton cannot be used.
The next nearest site to Shep is HPP - 140 miles away. An extra 280 miles to travel for those who live in the South.
If the Div 1 doesn't run then there would be no Div 2 as it would not be viable to run. There are no longer other Div 2 competitions in the region to compensate. The nearest Div 2 events are Cardington or Nottingham.
I thought that the Slalom Committee was there to represent the interests of paddlers?

PADDLERS - if you want to stop the venues being hacked by the Slalom Committee then act.
Contact the Committee members.
" The committee are as always open to constructive suggestions as to how to improve the calendar for all. However these will only be taken into consideration if directed to the committee via Jenny - email her on "
Come to the AGM and support the motion to reinstate the events.
Get voted onto the Committee and give some true paddler's representation.
Don't let them slowly kill off slalom.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:11 pm
by RussJohnson
i would hate for shepperton to be removed from the Div 1 circuit. we need more major events "down south" and shepperton is always a fantastic event.

however i would love for it to be a DOUBLE Div 1/2 event again next year as for us traveling from the north its a long way just race race one day

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:49 pm
by davewaine
It is / was in the provisional calender as a double for 2011.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:48 pm
by Nicky
I've mailed Jenny.

I don't like shepperton that much, but I do think there is definately a place in the calendar for it! I know that water can't be guaranteed, but I don't think anywhere can truly guarantee anything.

I completely agree with the distance issue, there will soon be broxbourne, but clubs can't afford to run events at such expensive venues, shepperton must put a few quid into the club's coffers...

I would like to see a div 1 at shepperton, and if a double can't be offered what about doing teams on Saturday like in the good old days!


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:03 pm
by Fup Duck
Bit gobsmacked.

What's the reasoning behind it?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:15 pm
by beano
i love the shepperton slalom! even though it's a long way and was only a single race this year, we still went because it's my favourite course, great fun and a excellent start to the season.....i'll be very, very disappointed if they choose not to run it! :(

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:53 am
by PaulBolton
Isn't a review of all slalom sites occuring for appropiateness and ranking level? Isn't CP heading it up? Could this not be part of that review and this is just part of a wider consultation? Personally, I'd wait for a proper report before reaching a conclusion and mobilising the troops.

The wave at Shepperton must be the biggest (or most powerful) on the Div 1 calendar and has been for the last 3 years at least. For me though, I'm with Russ, I can't justify the cost for a single event.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:08 pm
by JamesH
Hi Dave,

You have my support. When there is decent water at Shepperton, as there often is in March, then it can be one of the most demanding courses in the calendar. I'm only div 2 but as Dave says, the venue would almost certainly be lost to both divisions if div 1 no longer raced there.

As a Londoner, that would make my nearest div 2 course with decent water HPP, 140 miles away.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:48 pm
by Flipper
I really cannot for the life of me understand the rationale behind this decision. The committee must have one for sure but I can't figure it out.
I can see loads of big big negatives. But I can't see who would gain by dropping the event. Please can someone explain??????

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:12 pm
by Munchkin
I think PaulBolton has the answer in his post, wait and see... There will be a reason so there is no point in speculating...

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:40 pm
by Fup Duck
The wording doesn't indicate any element of consultation is being considered.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:45 pm
by JamesH
Even if Paul is right, surely if a review of the appropriatness of various sites is currently being undertaken, now is the time to put forward your point of view, not after the event when it's a done deal?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:39 pm
by GreenPeter
I was intrigued by Munchkin's quote “Wait and see… there will be a reason so there is no point in speculating”
So I thought I would look on the committee pages to see if there were any clues there, but couldn’t find anything. (but like most males looking for things is not my strong point).

But I did find a draft calendar for Prem & Div1 and Shepperton was listed.
The calendar is described as;
“This provisional 2011 Slalom Managed Calendar is based on applications received from clubs before the Prem/Div1 application closing date and is subject to approval at the ACM.”

So I’m now concerned, Have a done a Rip Van Whats it and slept through the rest of 2010 and missed the ACM?

So how long do we have to wait to find out why the Slalom Committee has decided to cancel an event.

“Putting Paddlers First and Valuing Volunteers”

Isn’t this on the front page of each Slalom Committee report?
So putting paddlers first;

They don’t want us to get cold at events in early March.

And Valuing Volunteers;

Can’t think of anything for this so perhaps Shepperton are the wrong sort of volunteers?

Talking of volunteers aren’t the Slalom Committee all volunteers, so thanks for the time you put into the good job you do.
But please do yourselves a favour and don’t keep people in the dark.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:46 pm
by RussJohnson
shepperton isnt the only event to get caught by the committee.

WASHBURN PREM - Septemeber 2011 has been REMOVED from the calendar;
the reasoning is that with new man made courses in Cardiff and Lee Valley they need to cut down Premier slaloms to keep to 9 events!!!

its an utter disgrace for the committee to do this sort of thing!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:19 pm
by andya
Speechless ... there would have been 10 Prems this year .. was that a problem?

IF it is only 9 events, looks like another Prem is for the chop yet. The reverse hydro electric plant on the M25 isn't in the draft list yet: ... lendar.pdf

13/3/11 - P1 = Tryweryn
2/4/11 - P2 = Tryweryn
23/4/11 - P3 = Grandtully
24/4/11 - P4 = Grandtully
4/6/11 - P5 = Tees
18&19/6/11 - P6 = Cardiff
17/9/11 - P7 = HPP
22/10/11 - P8 = Serpents Tail
29/10/11 - P9 = HPP

Which one goes .. get your votes/forecast in ...

Going back to D1 I see Abbey Rapids didn't make 2011, and we got from 16 D1 in 2010 to 13 in 2011