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Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:45 am
by jim croft
As a Club has had to withdraw from the Inter Clubs at the last minute we can accept another or part club contact Jim Croft before 21st August for details.
jim.croft@ntlworld,com or phone 01582 651615

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:57 pm
by Spiderman
Very quiet in this Forum regarding Interclubs 2009? I doubt I was the only one who enjoyed it immensely or do we now only post if we have something to complain about?

Brilliantly organised and run event! Loved every minute. Phil cracked me up on the startline when he said that getting the Red Arrows to do a fly past was brilliant! lol

Anyways, sorry to say that wifey did not shoot this event due to being asked to pay a fee to put up our little gazebo :-( We planned to shoot images Saturday and display them on a screen on Sunday. So no record of the event from us :-( However, I did take a handful of shots towards the end of the day so take a look here in case you are featured. If you are from Staffs and Stone you certainly will be! Very well done you lot!

Interclubs 2009



Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:17 pm
by MikeH
Spiderman wrote:Very quiet in this Forum regarding Interclubs 2009? I doubt I was the only one who enjoyed it immensely or do we now only post if we have something to complain about?

Brilliantly organised and run event! Loved every minute. Phil cracked me up on the startline when he said that getting the Red Arrows to do a fly past was brilliant! lol

Anyways, sorry to say that wifey did not shoot this event due to being asked to pay a fee to put up our little gazebo :-( We planned to shoot images Saturday and display them on a screen on Sunday. So no record of the event from us :-( However, I did take a handful of shots towards the end of the day so take a look here in case you are featured. If you are from Staffs and Stone you certainly will be! Very well done you lot!

Interclubs 2009


Yes, it was a thoroughly enjoyable event. Many thanks to the organisers and everyone involved.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:35 pm
by davebrads
Brilliant event, my 24th out of 25, and the first that I have failed to race at as far as I can remember. We almost, but not quite, managed to drink the beer tent dry too.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:40 pm
by Munchkin
And you even managed a boogie on the dance floor Dave...

Thanks to Jim, the timing team and the other back stage crew for a great event. Also thanks to those of you that did not run away from me on the dance floor (being mainly the rabble from Proteus and Manchester!)... :D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:53 pm
by Fup Duck
I'd echo all the above, we all had a great time and appreciate all the hard work by all involved.

For consideration......

At such a large, well attended event, I would like to see a recycling facility, instead of just a big ol' skip.

What d'ya reckon?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:30 pm
by briman
Indeed a great weekend, thanks to everyone involved with the organization. Lucy wants to say thanks to everyone for singing Happy Birthday to her as well. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:13 am
by jim croft
:D Thanks for the nice comments, it was noted by the parks department & users how clean the park was left thanks again, I did ask for recycle facilities but parks dept were unable to supply them, I will nag them again for next year.