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Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:13 pm
by Dutch Geezer
I cant remember if this subject has been raised before, if it has then I apologise.

When you look at a lot of the discussions on here, they come up with valid points, especially about this time of the year. Then you get the response

"All ranked padlers have a say in any of the rules etc via their club at the ACM. If you have a rule change you would like to see discussed and adopted - get your club to put it forward, seconded by another club and it will go on the agenda' ans come along and debate it."

What happens when the person does not have a club, or the club he paddles at is not interested in slalom.

Is there a case for a paddler being able to propose a motion on this website where it can be debated and if people are in favour of it, then it can be presented at the AGM, where the clubs that are present could vote on it.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:12 pm
by John
Would that be a bit like the government e-petitions? I loved the one petitioning the prime minister to "stand on his head and juggle ice-cream", which got over 5000 signatures.

No seriously, good idea, but we may need to think of a way to avoid "Trinny and Susannah" putting forward motions about paddler dress code.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:25 pm
by John Sturgess
I haven't done a count of the seniors, but last year I could only find 3 Independent Juniors

Clubs not interested in slalom - yes, that is a more serious problem; and I do not think there is much that can be done about it.

But the biggest 'democratic deficit' comes from how we allocate Slalom ACM votes. If we wanted the paddlers wishes to be the predominant force in decision-making, we should begin by allocating Clubs votes in proportion to the number of paddlers they have competing in Slalom, rather than in proportion to the number of events they run.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:13 am
by Dave Royle
I think that the idea behind votes for races run came from the principle that those clubs running more races contributed more and therefore should have more votes.

Discuss and propose for next year........

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:15 am
by John Sturgess
Contributed more of what? Surely what we want them to do is to contribute more paddlers - especially young paddlers starting their competitive participation at what LTAD says is the vital age

Your club does both - most clubs don't

In terms of the promotion of slalom and the development of Slalom clubs within the BCU, James Purnell's speech on Wednesday, and the resultant blood on the carpets at Sport England, should provide us with a golden opportunity: text posted on another thread.