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Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:12 pm
by Dee
Several years ago we (Nene event) had a major problem when we got 80 entries on the Saturday morning. The time needed to create aht startlist caused the event to start well over an hour late.......The final element is online payment. This uses Paypal, who charge us 5%, but it is worth it as soon as a prepaid paddler doesn't show up. In the past, we would not have been able to get the entry fee from them.

I must admit that for our div1/2 we don't accept entries on the day and I always chase for payment from no shows who haven't pre-paid.

We print the cards.

How do you get them signed? It's the thought of trying to get everyone to sign their cards before getting on the water that worries me. And what about juniors that do not have their parents with them?
I would love to use an on-line system, but whilst the cards have to be signed I see it as impractical.

One problem I have is that somebody has decided that organisers can't be sent more than 100 cards. .

This is per event I think; you could try arguing that you are running two events - one on Sat and one on Sun.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:07 pm
by katonas
Alan, you're leading the way making it easier for paddlers to enter events. I hope everyone uses your system eventually. A tick box for the 'assumed risk' bit should be just as good as a signature.

If anything organisers should be given enough surplus cards to hand out to paddlers for other events. I remember not getting around to enter one slalom in the past because I had run out of cards. Anything that makes participation easier has got to be good for the sport. I could talk about butterflies young paddler entering to be inspired by a div4 event.