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Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:47 am
by the ginge
many thanks to every one who helped run the 2/3 at lee valley especially as most of you helped at the invitation event last week you all must be knackered

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:35 pm
by Neil H
Neil Footitt wrote:.i did.... I'm aiming to go to heaven......would have laffed my size 9 socks off if you had been clamped you deserved it !
Good luck getting there, I don't believe in it myself, However, me and Jesus go back a long way - in a previous life he and I formed a travelling act. He played a holy healer and I was his sidekick, usually a guy in the crowd - oft times I played the role of a madman in a synagogue, paralysed man or a leper.
It made him what he is today.
So if your name ain't on the list just say No-Nose sent you and if that don't do it remind him about the donkey incident

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:44 pm
by Neil H
Terryg wrote:Agree, it was a difficult and challenging course, it caught out some very good Div 2 and above paddlers.

The Div 3 paddlers all had a good go though, which is a great credit to them.
Hopefully they will have gained some confidence from tackling this course which will help them in their next events, and enable them to cope with Div 2 when they get promoted.

Yes, there probably were too many 50's and swims, and if the event is held again it should be a 1/2.
So what could have been done to make it more compatible to that level. Different gates, water.

For me one of the issues was practice. A long queue for the conveyor allowed only one practice which was itself hampered early on course so not really a full run practice at all.
When I was queuing there were people who were on there fifth run and some who'd had none at that point 10.50 a.m.
Full runs are a good idea but a way of limiting to two runs would have limited bottle neck

Gotta do another one surely

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:27 pm
by Terryg
I think there would have to be some major water changes to make it a Div 3 event. Smaller drops and less stopper moves.

I suspect that this will involve a lot of work moving Omniflots for an event and moving them back after.

Practice was definitely an issue, not enough of it, and you had to fight for your place in the queue. A bit more queue control needed next time.

However, this was the first domestic event. and hopefully lots of lessons will have been learnt.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:59 pm
by Neil H
Terryg wrote:I think there would have to be some major water changes to make it a Div 3 event. Smaller drops and less stopper moves.

I suspect that this will involve a lot of work moving Omniflots for an event and moving them back after.

Practice was definitely an issue, not enough of it, and you had to fight for your place in the queue. A bit more queue control needed next time.

However, this was the first domestic event. and hopefully lots of lessons will have been learnt.
I'd agree with all that. Teething troubles as you say

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:16 pm
by Terryg
What is the situation for those who competed, paddling on the course in the future? though we have apparently now passed an assessment, how do we prove this to the staff in say a months time? show them our name on a results sheet?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:03 pm
by Neil H
when you do the actual assessment they issue you a card with a number on it but if you showed them a results sheet you could be anybody technically.
If you completed the course you passed the assessment - does that mean if you didn't get to the bottom you didn't. Having done the assessment I would say there is no comparison If you shot down the course picking up 50's not attempting to break out that's less than you'd do on an assessment.
Still don' get the rolling thing either if you pass the assessment having paid for it you have to demonstrate a Legacy roll before going on Olympic course.
If you are deemed as having passed on Saturday do you have to demonstrate a roll before going on Olympic where you then have to pay £10 for an olympic assessment


Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:08 pm
by slink
As the sign said at control, you needed to go to reception yesterday, where they gave you all the paperwork, relieved you of a fiver "admin charge" and issued you with a membership card for the legacy course. According to reception, yesterday was the only opportunity as they will not keep the results for future reference. 50s did not come into it (and having watched a legacy assessment today, needing to get a whole 5 gates, they should not have done), but 2 swims wouldn't have passed. Rolling? Didn't see evidence of that on the official assessment today, although as most swam at some stage, perhaps that's good enough... You are only entitled to use the Legacy loop, if you want to use the Olympic course you need to book an assessment, so I guess that will include rolling, reverse ferry gliding etc...

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:09 pm
by Neil H
anybody get any pics be good to see some

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:22 pm
by slink
Photos from my Facebook album...

Here's a few...mainly of us though :laugh:

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:21 pm
by Neil H
Some great atmospheric pics there though - like the one showing the queue

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:48 pm
by John M

Well I think it was a really good event and full marks to the organising people especially the Munchkin's and crew.
I spent and enjoyable day paddling the course for the first time and see a lot of paddler swim - hey and some Div 1's.
For a Div 3 well it's a good transition event because lets face it if your in for promotion to Div 2 water of that standard should be where your at!
Does raise a question about a lot of other Div 2 events and there water!!

Well as for pictures go and take a look at Proteus CC on facebook and hopefully when I get time a lot more on the Proteus CC web site.

The big question - When is the next one I want more!

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:08 am
by katonas
Thankyou to the organising crew for all their hard work and a fantastic event. It is their hard work that enabled over a hundred paddlers to pass a water assessment on the legacy course. In view of this, all the £5's taken by LV for 'completing documentation' should be given to the organising crew to help offset some of the financial loss incurred from running this event. It should be enough for LV to have more paddlers able to pay to paddle the course. I can't believe LV had the cheek to pocket this money, and so earn more money from assessments in one day than they could possibly have done in their usual fashion. Correct me if I am wrong, but I heard this £5 is a membership fee which they would like to make annual. I refused to pay the £5 and told the manager he was losing a paddler from sunday and one less camper. Perhaps this was what he wanted...

Perhaps the minister for sport should be made aware that LV charge so much for water fees as to make such slaloms as this weekend's financially unviable. Surely this goes against any pledge they might have made to support the sport (if they were asked to make any such pledge).

I think organisers should be able to charge *2 single entry fees to make a double slalom financially viable when they have to pay to hire a course (although in this case the water fees need to be reduced to make even a single day viable).

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:25 am
by John M
Maybe everyone giving "Good old Boris" a line or two might help and the rest of the Olympic people/Minister for Sport.
This is a facility paid for by the people of this country not just London and should be reasonably accessible to ALL.
If funded by Lee Valley park thing would be a lot different but then they never would have made that investment into such a project.
UK sport again hampered by commercial interest.
UK money is thrown away to so many other direction never at the people who actually give it.

Rant over.

Where are the governing body people in this fight and I don't mean the Slalom committee - BCU use your voice

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:44 pm
by alanadams
Dee wrote:
Just a thought, but if badly filled/incomplete entry forms are causing a real problem and a lot of extra work for event organisers, isn't it time a harsher regime was adopted with regard to them? They are not difficult to complete, thus it would suggest a certain amount of laziness on the part of competitors.

I would suggest rejecting incomplete/wrongly completed entry cards and their return to the respective competitors. If the orginal entry was received on time, event organisers could then charge a late entry fee for returned forms, or if they were already late, make a surchage at the event.

I think you will find that most other sports will reject incomplete/incorrect entries. Ulimately if you don't apply a bit of stick, then nothing will improve.


But no sae's anymore and incomplete includes incomplete address so a bit stimied I'd say. The organiser is allowed to reject the entry, but this is not easy to do either!

To be fair, new promotees to div 3 may not find it as easy. At that stage they often don't realise that the number on their new bib is indeed their start number and K1 paddlers don't always twig that there are C1s and C2s and so K1 is Class etc. I have less sympathy with div 1 paddlers who say that they didn't have time to look up this years bib number (and by implication that the organiser could do it instead :angry: :angry: :angry: )
Several years ago we (Nene event) had a major problem when we got 80 entries on the Saturday morning. The time needed to create aht startlist caused the event to start well over an hour late.
Because we pay for the water by the hour that was a problem. It was worse on the Sunday, because the course was booked for rafting at 5pm.
As a result I set up our online entry system, which was very successful in getting the entries in advance, and getting them correct. There are two parts to this:
The entry system is several pages, The questions on page 2 depend on the answers on page 1, so if you select C2 you will be asked for second paddler details etc. This process is used throughout, and incorrect answers are flagged, and must be corrected.
Secondly, there is an import program which takes the emailed details and adds them to the startlist. 40 entries takes less than 5 minutes, with a visual inspection of each one.
The final element is online payment. This uses Paypal, who charge us 5%, but it is worth it as soon as a prepaid paddler doesn't show up. In the past, we would not have been able to get the entry fee from them.
As a result of this, we have reached the entry limit in two of the last 4 years, and been over 100 entries (limit of 120) in the other two years. This acts as an incentive to people to enter in advance - being turned away on the day after several hours drive isn't fun.
One problem I have is that somebody has decided that organisers can't be sent more than 100 cards. We print the cards - why should paddlers have to post these when everything else is electronic? It also ensures that the information is legible. Fortunately I had a stock from previous years, some of them brown with the year prefixed 19, and having printed over 200 cards I now have 5 left.