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Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:05 am
by djberriman
Unusual start list or am I reading it wrong?

3 runs (including practice) in 2 hours 20 mins. An hour 20 between runs 1 and 2, given sitting on water time after a run for safety, warm down, warm up and queueing for start you'll be lucky to get an hour between runs so no time to eat?

Any particular reason for this?

Hope its not cold at the weekend!

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:28 pm
by boatmum
It is snowing - but not settling very much - we're much higher than Tully so my be better there at the minute

If you want local weather go to

Looks better for the weekend with sunny intervals :)

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:07 am
by PeterC
I understand your issue Dave however I did have complaints last year because water levels changed between the morning and afternoon runs and some considered one easier than the other. Bringing the runs closer together mitigates against this.

Primarily though we have had huge problems ensuring effective safety cover and in particular I am concerned for the Div 2's on what may turn out to be fairly big water. I have some Div 1 racers who are able to provide additional safety cover in the afternoon if they are not racing. I am also cognisant of the Slalom Committee rewording of the rules surrounding the need to support rescue of prior competitors in the water. I want to be in a position particularly in the afternoon to be able to get competitors out of the water before the next one comes down.

As far as I can I will try and ensure that competitors get off the water at the bottom promptly as it will be cold. Also ensuring that it runs smoothly (to time) reduces delays and waiting at the top.

I am happy to hear views and indeed to take criticism. However the change of format is intended to meet a purpose and in particular ensure safety. This does not mean I don't worry about wet, cold Div 1's. (Even when they are in a C1!)

As a bonus it also solves the issue of those running in both C1 and C2 giving them separation as well as Munchkin who is doing both K1 & C1.

Unfortunately you can never please everyone all of the time - however I do keep trying! We could put some gaps in but I suspect that the majority will want to get it over and get in to the warm.

Your thoughts are however helpful and I will watch for issues arising out of the revised schedule.

I look forward to seeing you all this weekend - thermals are currently looking to be essential!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:18 am
by djberriman
Thanks for clarification Peter. Its good to know the reasoning. Have done runs at this interval before (abroad), will be interesting to see what people think.

Only comment is if it does not run to time please be careful about shortening time between competitors to catch up as has happened in the past as it could further reduce the recover time of some paddlers.

If there is a delay perhaps this could be displayed somewhere (control) so paddlers do not end up getting ready too early.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:27 pm
by oldschool
whats the problem? back around 97-02 we often did back to back runs split between K1m and the rest in terms of classes. I never had a problem with it and lets face it if your not recoverd after an hour is likley that another one will help much?

As far as i remember it was to help with lack of judges and consistancy of water when it was done before.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:47 pm
by Carlr
Its a long way to go for a race that will be over by lunchtime saturday, hence i wont be there this year.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:50 pm
by ElaineF
Is there a start list for the Pan Celtic on Sunday?

Also any update on the weather in Aberfeldy .. we're assuming that the campsite there isn't too snowbound?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:50 pm
by PeterC
I am sorry you think that way Carl. You would still get exactly the same amount of time on the water racing and the same number of runs as if it was more split.

As to the start list for the Pan Celtic as I have not yet had any final lists of competitors from the Team managers I have not enough information to produce a start list.

I expect and plan to start the Pan Celtic at ~ 09:00 on Sunday with Demo runs.

There are obviously some issues with some paddlers as I understand there is competition with a race in Leipzig. I suspect that managers may also be battling with late decisions and late entries as am I!

The weather here is particularly awful today but is forecast to improve somewhat for the weekend. Unfortunately I don't think it will remotely resemble the speedos and bikini weather we had last year.

We do have the community hall booked for this year and you will be welcome to use it to warm up in - and we will have hot drinks and food in there as well. The PA system is already wired up to the Station Yard and campsite although we still have to figure out a way to keep things updated in the hall as well.

There are a lot of pics on the BBC website if you want to see what it is like here at the moment!


Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:16 am
by jsrevell
An update from your local correspondent....

Sunny and bright but windy here this morning.
Water levels still at about the average for this time of year.
You may need sunglasses but I would leaves the speedos at home.

What date was the Start List last updated and published? Have you considered adding a publication date to the list?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:58 pm
by PeterC
Date on the start list - that will go in good ideas box for next year - thanks. The start list on the web site was posted at the beginning of the week.

I am still getting late entries even today. There is no post here tomorrow so any that arrive next Tuesday will not be in time!!!

Anyone who wants a 'final' start list - well until any more late entries turn up - can eMail me on up until about 09:00 tomorrow morning when I set off for Tully.

Most of you have paid your late fees properly - thank you it is appreciated - others still need to come to a financial arrangement with me, you will know who you are!!! Simple arrangement - No pay No result.

I have got Pan Celtic teams in now and will try and put a provisional start list together tonight. This will need to be agreed with the team managers before becoming a final. I will post the provisional one on the hut tomorrow afternoon as well as latest Saturday Start list.

Safe Journey up and Good Luck to you all.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:39 pm
by PeterC
Latest Weather is for some rain on Saturday but a reasonable day on Sunday.

You won't need sunblock but snow all gone at Grandtully.

Course erection will be from lunchtime onwards tomorrow. There will be access but no safety cover tomorrow evening.

Please all drive safely and I look forward to Sunday evening with hopefully everything having gone well.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:24 pm
by Mr Munchkin
A big thanks to all those involved in this weekend's event.

Great event all round, bar the weather on Saturday for which I'll blame the missus...

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:31 pm
by PeterC
Thank you Andy.

I would also like to thank the huge number of people including you that made it all work and in particular the judging team that I forgot to mention at the prize giving. Sorry!

Results are available and will be posted tomorrow (no post today here!) and can eMail to anyone that wants.