Town Falls - British Open

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Post by Nicky » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:28 pm

I know it's a while off yet, but looking through the calendar and see that this event is a world ranking series event. Are we allowed to enter if we don't make the national team and if so do we need to apply for entry via jim croft, or can we just enter as usual?



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Post by Anne » Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:17 am

Details will be in the year book however in the meantime I will prepare a statement for the web site.

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jim croft
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Post by jim croft » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:44 am

British Open full details are now on the calendar including the following statemant.

Eligibility (Non ICF World Ranking Series)
The race entry will be by invitation only. Numbers to be invited will be decided after the closing date for numerical entries from the nations, including GB, 6 weeks before the event. We will then invite further GB competitors on ranking order of selection, followed by current ranking at the time.


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Post by Kazz » Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:43 pm

So nicky the answer to your question is NO lets hope your good looks not to mention impressive paddling ability gets you an invitation
It seems that there is less and less that we are allowed to enter both at home and abroad, i do think that if paddlers are of a suitable ability, prepared to travel and fund themselves they should be allowed to have a go, if not how will any of our paddlers other than the chosen few manage to get the experience they need?? ??? ???

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