Ancient History

General slalom chatter...rant about the bad, rave about the good
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Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:28 pm
Location: West Wirral

Post by mwilk » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:48 pm

Thanks Spiderman, for uploading the material from the 1974 race [link at bottom on main www.canoeslalom page]. What a treat – that was the year that I was most heavily – if briefly - involved as a youth. Great to see the paddlers names, as you say, but also the names and pics of the old boats in the adverts ! I bought an Olymp V that year [and the name of the person I bought it off is in the start list for the race].

It was especially pleasing to see how big Chester was in slalom in those days – both the CC and my club, the YMCA. Whatever happened ?

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