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Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:12 pm
by mikey
Having completed my first run at the Bala prem and getting 2 50's I had my boat weighed! It first weighed 8.98kg! I then emptied the water and it weighed 8.92kg! I was then duly disqualified after discussions with the jury! Whilst I understand that my boat was 80 grammes too light I still wanted to complete my second run! But no I wasnt allowed. I have been competing in slalom for over 20 years and just now enjoy paddling when I can. My job puts strain on the amount of time I can train and race as I work many saturdays!

Whilst I understand that I was breaking the rules It does seem a little harsh to disqualify me from both runs for 80 grammes! I travelled 120 miles to get to the race with my only aim being to enjoy the race this decision has now made me feel that I am going to hang up my paddles after 21 years! I sometimes feel that this sort of bureaucracy is having a negative effect on numbers participating in our sport.

Surely a small amount of discretion could be applied in this situation?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:30 pm
by fison
not wanting to sound mean but there are rules and you/we should stick to them but in this case commen sence has not prevailed.
So you were not allowed to do a run as your boat was ilegal ask them to look at all of the weights of the top boats i wonder if they all come up to the right rule x :D

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:22 am
by Anne
All boats were supposed to be weighed before the race, it was on the start list and a notice at control. At the end of the day this could happen at any race - the organisers don't have to announce it specifically! The majority were checked and were OK, a few failed to bring their boats for weighing so were caught up with at the finish.

As it was the first race of the season many competitors had with them lead etc to ensure they could correct any deficit. We still need to address the "fixed and permenent" with many. The top paddlers ALL had boats up to weight (there is little point of training in a boat you wouldn't race in!) and their weights are fixed and permenent!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:42 am
by PaulR
I believe this can be easily summed up...'rules are rules' whether it be for the top paddlers or someone who wants to enjoy their weekend.

If you claim that your job places strain on training and racing, surely this breeds an even greater importance on obeying the rules (i.e. boat weight) as to not waste/lose potential water time, and the final result.

I can see your annoyance however, but there were a lot of other people there that weekend that would have done the same if not more miles. This can't really be a bargaining tool of any kind I’m afraid.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:14 am
by John
According to the rules (39.1), you should only have been disqualified for the one run.

I think the jury got it wrong and you should have been allowed to race your second run. No discretion, just are PaulR says: "rules are rules".

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:02 pm
by mikey
Im not disputing the rules but I had put half a kilo of weight in my boat as I knew it was under weight! I weighed it at notts last season and it was 8.56kg so I thought half a kilo would do the job!

Not trying to justify having a light boat with the miles I travelled just attempting to explain why I feel like I do about the situation! I just feel that for 80 grammes a little discretion could have been shown and I could have done my second run!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:50 pm
by Dee
Mikey, understand your predicament, but if the judges wave you through as being 80g under then what should they do with some one who is 100g under (only 20g more than you) and what about the person who is 120g under.

The thing is that you have to draw the line somewhere and it seems better to draw it according to the rule book than at some arbitary level that a judge thinks should be allowed as close enough.

BTW the scales were checked and if anything were over-reading so you are probably more like 150g underweight. Add to that, the boat is supposed to be properly dry and .....

Don't hang up your paddles yet just remember that you are never to old to learn!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:35 pm
by Dave Royle
I only lightly touched the gate...

I only missed the gate by a bit ....

I only took a few drugs during the Winter Training ...

Which rules do you want some discretion on ??

For peace of mind weight your boat 100g over at least. You don't have to worry about other peoples calibration of scales etc then. I have never heard of anyone weighing spraydecks and buoyancy aids to save a few grammes, so why worry about a few in the centre of the boat? I would of thought "once bitten twice shy" would of been a useful proverb under the circumstances.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:40 pm
by Pingu

Did you really take a few drugs during your winter training?

tut tut.


Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:51 pm
by Nicky
I don't think that mikey's complaining about being disqualified (which he rightly was), he's complaining about not being able to do a second run! What harm would doing a run that doesn't count for anything do? I think that he's paid the entry fee, let him do the run. Especially if John's right (i've not checked the rules), only one run where he was "cheating" should be disallowed.

Should people be disallowed from doing a second run if they swim? The run wouldn't give you a result , due to both counting in prem, but you may as well do it since you're there...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:21 pm
by mikey
Thank you nicky! Im not disputing the fact that I was DQ'd but the fact I was not allowed to do my second run! I had already recieved 2 50's and my result would not have counted for anything.

Dave it was after the previous event which I decided to put what I thought was enough weight in! I did wrong and should be punished but did I need to be excluded from taking my second run?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:30 am
by mk1zetec
Nicky the voice of reason. IMO Mikey you have every right to feel agrieved. The fact that you did not question the DQ means that you still could/should of had the time on the water that you travelled and paid to have. You didn't expect to get a result, so what was the harm? Also in what is promoted as friendly and close knit sport surely it would of been "FRIENDLY" to allow you have the time on the water that you don't get to paddle often??? Surely you should of at least been able to get a run in amongst the officials.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:44 pm
by mikey
Thanks for the support guys! Well I've made up my mind Im going to give the paddling a rest at least for a while! If not for good. Its unfotunate that Im leaving the sport with a bad tatse in my mouth but Ive had some really good times through the sport and wish everyone good luck in the future!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:26 pm
by Bus Driver
Mikey, I am very sorry that you have decided to "hang up your paddle" as you put it, due to the decission of the jury of which I was a member (should anyone not know my name is Steve Bright). Just to put the record straight, my recolations of this incident was that you were disqualified from run 1 (as was another paddler from run 2) not from both runs. If your understanding was that you were totally disqualified then I am very sorry. Disqualifying a paddler is not something that is done lightly, and can at times be very upsetting for the jury.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:36 pm
by mikey
It is not the decision at the weekend alone that has made my mind up but its the preverbial straw! I was told that I could judge and take a judges run so it was implied that I was disqualified from both runs!