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Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:52 pm
by NKcanoe
Camp Star Kid
Lightweight vented helmet from Camp suited to children. A helmet specifically designed for the younger climbers’ heads, fitting heads 52-58cms. Anatomical, comfortable, light and well ventilated. Made of injection moulded ABS. One size, with fast adjustment system. The kit includes a set of stickers for decorating the helmet.

Gearshack Price: £30.00 (Free Postage)
Colour Red or White

Cheapest on net. I have searched!

Check out
(used by most UK Slalom paddlers)


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:46 pm
by Geebs
They are approved for climbing CE EN12492, but they are not CE approved for watersports CE EN1385 so they will not comply with rule 19.2.2?

I think that you will find that they are a different specification and therefore are not approved for competition use under the BCU rules.

So don't waste your money and get a properly approved watersports helmet :;):

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:57 pm
by davebrads
However, a number of our top paddlers are using them - either they're legal or they are not.

I can see why paddlers use them - they are a nice close fitting to the head, in contrast to the Protec that I use. I have often hit gates with my helmet, maybe this wouldn't happen if I was using one of the Camp helmets, so paddlers using these illegal helmets are gaining an advantage over the rest of us.

There was a lot of furore when the CE helmet rule was introduced, which made the very popular Ace helmet illegal, and also some very dodgy composite helmets that people were using at the time. Competition organisers had to crack down hard on people using these helmets, and for a while everyone was using legal helmets. It has been a long time since anybody has been pulled for their helmet, at least to my knowledge. But, if anything is done, it needs to be done at the very top first. If nothing is to be done, then the rule should be removed from the yearbook to take away any misunderstanding.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:11 pm
by Geebs
davebrads wrote:However, a number of our top paddlers are using them - either they're legal or they are not.

Just because others may set a bad example should we all follow?

Perhaps the rule should be re-written to make it clear that it has to be a CE approved helmet for watersports?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:46 pm
by davebrads
Geebs wrote:Just because others may set a bad example should we all follow?

If I believe that I am at a disadvantage because I follow the rule, and nothing is done about it, I will buy a non-approved helmet.

Actually I won't, because I can't justify spending £30 to save the odd two second penalty, they just aren't that important to me. But they are important to other people, so by not taking action, paddlers are forced into the position of breaking the rules.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:53 pm
by Richie
I have just looked at rule 19.2.2 and there is nothing about helmets being CE approved for watersports. It simply states:

.....the only helmets approved for use in competition will be those carrying a current CE mark.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:37 pm
by davebrads
Ah, great, I can save some money and use my daughter's old horseriding helmet.

I feel a motion coming on, it could all those figs I've been eating

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:53 am
by Geebs
Your not wrong Dave.

I propose a motion that Rule 19.2.2 should be written as follows;

UK 19.2.2 Helmets: Only helmets carrying the CE EN1385 standard will be approved for use in UK competitions.

Proposed by Hungerhill School CC

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:44 pm
by phatboy-lister
and i dont propose a motion and just leave it the way it is please there decent helmets !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:25 pm
by davebrads
phatboy-lister wrote:and i dont propose a motion and just leave it the way it is please there decent helmets !!!
And I agree - they are certainly at least as good as the Protec that I use for competition (though I won't use it for river running).

Only if you start allowing non-approved helmets, we could be back to where we were a few years ago with paddlers making their own composite helmets with more hole than helmet, and this was an accident waiting to happen.

If Camp want to sell their helmet as a CE approved canoe helmet, they certainly have the resources to get it approved, what is stopping them, apart from the fact that currently they don't have to have it approved for paddlers to use it.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:40 am
by NKcanoe
Well said phatboy-lister. Could not agree more.
How many paddlers are using these helmets in competition now?
I have opened a whole can of worms with this topic !
Where is it going to end ?


Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:45 pm
by Geebs
NKcanoe wrote:Well said phatboy-lister. Could not agree more.
How many paddlers are using these helmets in competition now?
I have opened a whole can of worms with this topic !
Where is it going to end ?

When people are not allowed to race because their helmets do not meet BCU guidelines and they have wasted their entry money, fuel and possibly accomodation costs.

Then who will look stupid for the sake of fashion rather that common sense?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:11 pm
by kanu.63
Camp also make a helmet called SILVER STAR which is approved for both water sports and climbing it sells at around £45

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:19 pm
by phatboy-lister
graeme the camp star kid helmets are a decent product and have been around for quite a while now and i personally havent seen anyones head smashed in from wearing one and i have been to every race for div 1 and prem this season so thats alot of paddlers, alot of risk and alot of camp star kid helmets so its not just a fashion statement at all so im sorry but like it or lump it if you dont think that they are safe then fine thats your opinion but if its good enough for our top paddlers and top international paddlers then its good enough for me and the rest of the sporting community!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:50 am
by Kev.S
phatboy-lister wrote:if you dont think that they are safe then fine thats your opinion
Whether it is safe or not is debateable, I have spoken to Allcord who are the UK distributor for C.A.M.P products, and they have told me that it has not been tested for water sports, which is very expensive to do so. This is why the Silver Star is nearly £50.00 and the Star Kid only £30.00

The bottom line is, if you injure yourself whilst wearing the Star Kid because it fails in any way, then sorry thats tough, you have been using a product for an application it is not approved for.