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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:50 pm
by Train2Win
Just thought that anyone not in on the closely guarded secret that one of the GB senior selection races next year will be held in Holland might like to know.

Is it really fair that non-funded paddlers should have to pay to trek all the way over to Dutch Water Dreams for one race? This is a site that is so expensive to train on that paddlers who are not on one of the series of World Class planned training camps at the site will be expected perform at selection without any experience of the water.

Just thought you'd like to know....

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:53 pm
by Bus Driver
If this post is true (and by that "train to win", please don't take this as a personal snipe) it is just to reprehensible for words. I had been told that World Class had a "hidden agenda" to ensure that only WC funded paddlers would make selection and from this it would appear to be true.

For those paddlers out there who have ambitions to join the team for 2007, I would suggest that you ask yourselves who runs slalom in the uk? Is it WC or is it the exec? if it is the exec, have they got your best interests at heart? I find it hard to believe that the committee that is there to represent YOU can have agreed to anything other than a level playing field for selection.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:20 am
by Anne
No one has agreed to anything yet. Rumours are unhealthy!If this is the case you will be able to put your point of view forward when the draft selection document will go out for EVERYONE to have their say, and discuss at ACM if necessary.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:58 pm
by Train2Win

I'm glad that it will be open for discussion. But if everything is so transparent then why were the current senior team members told that this would most probably be the format for selection? And why has this proposal been kept quiet? Its only by chance that I found out.

I understand that you don't want unfounded rumours going around, but when certain paddlers are told that there will be selection races on a foreign site and that training camps have been arranged on that site with selection in mind, then its no wonder people are concerned.

I'm not saying that this is a conspiracy or World Class-bashing for the sake of it. All I'm saying is that everyone should be aware of the proposals given what is at stake. There are a lot of people training damned hard to make the team next year and most of those paddlers will not be in favour of doing selection on a site that only a few have trained on.

I didn't say it had been decided, merely that it had been proposed! I just thought that it'd be good for paddlers to express their opinions on the proposal, given the stakes.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:58 am
by Dutch Geezer
Anne wrote:No one has agreed to anything yet. Rumours are unhealthy! If this is the case you will be able to put your point of view forward when the draft selection document will go out for EVERYONE to have their say, and discuss at ACM if necessary.

Dear Anne

I would like to state quite openly here that I have no axe to grind against you personally, the Slalom Exec or WCP. Both groups have their own agendas and targets to meet and how they do it is up to them. However, I do believe that selection should be fair, WC paddlers already have training camps booked in Holland, other hopefuls should know now whether they should be making similar trips. The Slalom Exec is suppose to have the best interests of GB Slalom and all paddlers at its core and therefore should be seen to be doing so and at the moment on this important matter, hmnn!.

You are quite right in what you say about rumours being unhealthy. So why not be totally open and say whether there is any substance in this rumour or not. Is our Slalom Exec discussing the possibility of holding selection, or some of the selection races in Holland. It should be an easy rumour to put to bed with a simple yes or no.

If the answer is yes, it is being discussed and could be a possibility, then saying so now, allows paddlers to review their plans and decide whether they wish to revise their winter training schedule. They can review their budget, holidays etc so that they can go to holland and train if they want to. if this rumour has no foundation what so ever and is not even being considered, then what is the harm in saying so now, it may stop some paddlers on tight budgets wasting money on travelling to Holland when they dont have too.

Also, If there will be a dutch selection race, paddlers will want to know if you can make the team without doing that race, or will competing in that race be a pre requisite for making the team at certain events, such as the 2008 olympics for example.

I know that you say a draft will be pushed out for everyone to have their say, and discuss at the ACM if nescessary, but I cant find my yearbook at the moment to see what the criteria is for the selection procedure decision to be overturned by the non funded paddlers.

Last thought, if there is a dutch selection race, who's going to do the judging?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:17 pm
by Anne
Proposals for selection have gone out for disuscion by the International Panel, it is not in the public domain and in my opinon very wrong if funded paddlers have been told that selection may be in Holland. As the only committee member on this panel I must consult with the rest of the committee before I can put our points of view forward, this I am doing at present and we will be making strong representations to ensure selection is fair to EVERYONE whilst ensuring the best team is selected. I am unwilling to divulge anything until the draft policy is ready fr publication.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:30 pm
by Graeme
//*Opinion mode on*//

Same old story it would seem. Things dont change, and every effort will be made to select the ones "wanted"

//*Opinion mode off*//

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:19 pm
by quaker
Now thinking about this I had this sudden thought:

- Brilliant I can get a free holiday in Holland (paid for by the Slalom Exec)... do a bit of judging for the Selection (just a few hours sat on a bank)... go for a free paddle at night on the new course (as long as nobody is watching - apparently that isn't fair)... travel back home and put in my huge expenses claim.

Then I really thought.... what a stupid, self enterprising idea!

Sure have a final selection abroad on the relevant championship course... but at very least have the initial selection spread over several UK venues and then invite the top 10 K1M/K1L/C1, 5 C2 to the championship venue. The final selection expense would of course be paid to all paddlers not just those with funding!

It makes me laugh all the time when I hear about selection, WC aims and long term paddler development... particularly the one about how paddlers reach their peak performance at around age 22!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:17 pm
by fison
hang on it must have something to do with the new slalom course in holland. see there point as its ment to be built on the design of the 2008 olimpics, still they could for warn peopleabout where they are to hold selection eventsas the international calender is published well in advance :)

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:37 am
by frontman
they held selection in 1999 at Seo in preparation for the 1999 worlds. Ok good idea in principle, but for non funded and paddlers who have to pay their own way, several issues:
1. getting out there to train for a week prior to the selection week, plus cost of watertime. (because lets face it , the WC people will be spending lots of weeks in holland prior to selection if it is there).
2. getting another week out there the week of selection, plus the cost of water time (water in seo was only paid for during the races)
3. that's 50% of most people's annual holiday entitlement gone before even being selected. I know most racers dont work for a living but some have to.
4. are the results really that much better?? Paul I think won a silver in Seo, but also won a silver at most other worlds without being selected on those courses. Not sure that it makes that much difference. As quaker said, select a group of paddlers at home and then pay for them to go over and race a selection series to win the place.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:23 pm
by grolsh
Anne you should stand as an MP (they dont tell the whole truth either) is it a yes or is it a no and who is the "international panel" and what have they got to do with where a slalom "GB" selection race is held anyway??

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:43 am
by Richie
Easy mate! Selection being at dutch water dreams is only a proposal at the moment from world class. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the international panel have the final say in selection criteria for the upcoming international year. And seeing as they haven't discussed the proposal yet, Anne can't say either way. So lets all just go easy on the personal attacks.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:10 am
by Nessie
…and your not realy the least biased person to comment on mummys proposals…

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:55 am
by Richie
Who's proposals? I'm just stating the facts.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:05 am
by Canadian Paddler
Before this gets too personal, before saying
Who is the international panel.

2006 year book pages 31-32 selection principles tells you all about selection. It includes:
1 The International Panel operates within selection principles as approved by the Sports Management Committee and the board of teh British Canoe Union as set out below:
. . .
9 Selection policies and procedures identifying races, points systems, Teams to be selected and other criteria as indicates above shall be published as early as possible and not later than the ANNUAL CONSULTATIVE MEETING of the Canoe Slalom discipline. . . .
. . .
14 The INTERNATIONAL PANEL for 2006 comprises the Chairman of the BCU Slalom Committee (Chair), John Anderson, Juerg Goetz and Richard Lea.

I read this as selection is not in the hands of the volunteer branch of the sport. The BCU Board has mandated that seletcion is by a committee with Anne as the only volunteer.

The committee will (hopefully) consider a number of options for selection, before deciding what is best.

Anne is the chair of the committee, and shares 'committee responsibility' as such she has to defend the committee decisions, and cannot pre empt the decision. As such even if she thinks that selection is Holland is the worst thing that could happen for the sport SHE CANNOT SAY SO UNTIL SHE HAS CONVINCED THE REST OF THE COMMITTEE TO AGREE. She will (I trust) take note of anyone expressing opinions, and use these to reinforce any agruments for or against any particular policy.

Bottom line - regardless of whether you like the policy, or what Anne is doing as Chair, personal attacks are unfair, Anne cannot defend herself in this position.