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Encouraging Volunteers

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:20 am
by Neil H
There have been many posts on here over time, regarding the problems getting volunteers at races. predominately judges and this always attracts comment. I think their is a thread running on another post at the moment.

I wonder if maybe we should look at it in a wider context.
Instead of just encouraging people to judge or serve time in control, why don't we extend the learning and encourage a more varied range of people to be on the jury - it would be a brilliant way to get them to see it from a different angle and provide a bigger bank of jurors to draw from.

Also, with judges, if we accept there is a shortage, you could consider expanding participation where each paddler has a parent judge at a percentage of races a year. This would draw in parents who never get involved but only for a small percentage of races and alleviate the stress on overstretched volunteers - which causes tension. You could prob get a rota out of that

Re: Encouraging Volunteers

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:01 pm
by BaldockBabe
Neil H wrote: Instead of just encouraging people to judge or serve time in control, why don't we extend the learning and encourage a more varied range of people to be on the jury - it would be a brilliant way to get them to see it from a different angle and provide a bigger bank of jurors to draw from.
Good idea (I wonder who roped you into your first jury duty ;-)).

The clubs usually have a representative on the jury no matter what level the event is so there is always the opportunity for someone who has never tried it before to ask their club if they can perform that role...

Re: Encouraging Volunteers

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:47 pm
by Neil H
Wonder indeed! I ask you.

It's a good route in, I am guessing a lot of people might not know this