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McConkey Slalom - Judging

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 1:46 pm
by andy n
As gate judging organiser for the McConkey Slalom, I just wish to say a huge thank you to all the gate judges. Going into the race we looked a bit thin but many volunteers came forward. Somewhat fortunate as Richard Lee's option 3 for Tryweryn appeared to be a non-starter at HPP! Post race, I had a quick look through the judging sheets and the detail given for penalties was excellent across the event - well done to all.

Re: McConkey Slalom - Judging

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 7:30 am
by Neil H
That's fantastic news as I have sometimes as I have sometimes had problems when acting in an official capacity with the level of detail recorded.

I for one wasn't aware that non-officials/et al could view the judging sheets at competitions but being that that is obviously the case, should we now look at publishing the sheets as freedom of information and in the interest of transparency so that everyone can see them. I would be interested in looking at the sheets from the weekend as I am always interested to see evidence of the excellence you have reported.

Where can I view these?

Re: McConkey Slalom - Judging

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:11 am
by Sven
Andy - many thanks for the positive feedback!

At times it feels like this forum just bashes paddlers and their parents with moans and groans about how ungrateful they are :D so again many thanks for something positive!

Re: McConkey Slalom - Judging

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:49 pm
by Neil H
I'll second that