Rapidsports - new composite business

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Rapidsports - new composite business

Post by roodthomas » Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:06 pm

Hi all

I'd like to inform you that Rapidsports Ltd is up and running and eager to let everyone know!

Our website is http://www.rapidsports.biz please have a look and see what we're up to. We're also on facebook at facebook.com/Rapidsportsltd and tweet us at @RapidsportsLtd on Twitter for the latest updates.

I am intending going to the following events in the near future:
  • Washburn div 2/open (5th April)
    Matlock div 2/3 (26/27th April)
    Hpp div 1/Pan Celtic (10/11th May)

Please find me and have a chat about what we're doing, what I've got and what's in the pipeline!

Andrew Thomas


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