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SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:42 pm
by Seedy Paddler
Please note that draft performance Documents are published on the SCA Website for 2015 :

Not had a chance to read as yet and not a great deal of fanfare (as may be expected), however responses via an on-line survey with closing date of 13th February.

Time to get busy - whether they pay any attention or it makes a difference given the recent attitude and arrogance from Performance Director remains to be seen but at least they seem to be trying :?


Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:18 pm
by bankside
Had to laugh at one of the openers "opportunity to recruit an additional slalom perfromace coach"; shouldn't that be replacement?
And tell us why there are SCA supported coaches at Breadalbane and not at any other club.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:33 pm
by Sven
Do any Scots know what happens to Scottish Slalom if you get a "yes" vote at the upcoming independence referendum?

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:19 am
by Canadian Paddler
I am not Scottish, but some of my friends are. . . . Well I did paddle for Scotland once (they were desperate)

Meanwhile, a view on Scottish Athletes post independence was posted on Facebook, by a well known Scottish lady....
I often get asked what will happen with my canoeing if Scotland goes independent. Well here's a better insight:

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:08 am
by Wetfeet
Bank side, what SCA supported coaches are you alluding too, as I understand it, the performance coach splits his remit between Strathallan and Breadalbane, he is supporting squad paddlers who train in these locations and does not have a direct remit on the day to day training of club paddlers not in the squad. Perhaps you should be a bit more supportive of the SCA, they are supporting you!

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:24 am
by Neil H
Wetfeet wrote:.except from what I've heard, you're own daughter
This isn't anything personal, just a plea really.

I get a bit weary of the petty politics that lingers around this sport, it can only be detrimental in the long run.
I learnt long ago that what you hear is not always the truth and I think if adults are gonna slug it out, we shouldn't personalise it further by dragging in their offspring. These are young, formative minds who are being asked to forego much of their childhood and tolerate much for the sport. So let's not drag them into it, it's inexcusable and they don't deserve it. It's emotive stuff though so sometimes it happens, sometimes the written word can be misconstrued too.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:24 pm
by bankside
Wetfeet wrote:Bank side, what SCA supported coaches are you alluding too, as I understand it, the performance coach splits his remit between Strathallan and Breadalbane, he is supporting squad paddlers who train in these locations and does not have a direct remit on the day to day training of club paddlers not in the squad....except from what I've heard, you're own daughter. Perhaps you should be a bit more supportive of the SCA, they are supporting you!
Hey, I am only asking questions, in public, about what the SCA are doing for some clubs and are not doing for other clubs. What's wrong with asking questions when the SCA don't communicate with the wider canoe slalom community?

In fact I talked to Anthony at the end of last season and told him how much we appreciated his decision.

So in the end I'm not really sure what you point is?
Are you now threatening me and my family with your comments?
Or Anthony?
Or did you just want to deliberately compromise my anonymoity and leave my child open to bullying and victimisation?

In either case you owe me and my family an aoplogy.

Should you have the courage and integrity to discuss then please contact me directly.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:56 pm
by Wetfeet
The point is that the SCA are trying their best to support paddlers in Scotland.
I used this as a positive example of some of the decisions they have made, if it has caused offence I apologise, that was not the intention.
There have been a lot of negative posts on this forum recently surrounding the SCA and I think it's time the balance is addressed.
I don't believe Breadalbane are getting any special treatment from the SCA, as you know Strathallan also benefit from coaching support for their squad paddlers. The 2 coaches in central region I understood had resigned, the stories behind these resignations are another matter and not for this forum, however is it not true that they continue to coach at CRCats for the benefit of Central region paddlers? Therefore we could argue that the people that matter, the paddlers, are still receiving the coaching they deserve. These coaches skills are just the same whether they are paid by a club or the SCA. And meanwhile the SCA have begun to seek additional coaches to replace them on behalf of the SCA.
The truth as I see it is that the sport is growing in Scotland (good news) BUT funding is not increasing (bad news) therefore the SCA have to try and make that pot go a bit further each year, which means sacrifices have to made somewhere and some things need to change.
I'm sure they would be delighted to be granted extra funding to allow things to continue as they did previously but this is'n't going to happen.
The negativity portrayed in this forum in recent months is misrepresented and unhelpful to the future of slalom in Scotland. The documents that started this thread appear very clear and fair and everyone's opinion has been sought on them. Seems to me that the SCA are communicating with the wider audience and are trying hard to make this work. It would be nice to see folk pulling together and supporting them to help our paddlers reach their potential.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:58 am
by DavidDickson
"The point is that the SCA are trying their best to support paddlers in Scotland" - If the SCA had listened over the last 2 years then our programme wouldn't be in the mess it is now.

"Seems to me that the SCA are communicating with the wider audience and are trying hard to make this work. It would be nice to see folk pulling together and supporting them to help our paddlers reach their potential." - I agree they are now asking for feedback from the slalom community but would this have happened if sportScotland had not recently been made aware of the mess the SCA have made of things ?

"I don't believe Breadalbane are getting any special treatment from the SCA" Breadalbane canoe club was setup by the SCA in Aberfeldy, they were given boats, paddles, use of a minibus and trailer, boat storage at Tully and a development coach. They now have access to a performance coach based in Aberfeldy. They have benefited more than most from the SCA programme.

"The 2 coaches in central region I understood had resigned, the stories behind these resignations are another matter and not for this forum, however is it not true that they continue to coach at CRCats for the benefit of Central region paddlers?" Neither of these coaches wanted to resign, they felt they had no choice and could not continue working for the SCA. The fact that they choose to carry on voluntarily coaching at CR Cats is testament to their character, loyalty and commitment to their athletes. Do not forget these two men lost their jobs over this mess.

"The truth as I see it is that the sport is growing in Scotland (good news) BUT funding is not increasing (bad news) therefore the SCA have to try and make that pot go a bit further each year, which means sacrifices have to made somewhere and some things need to change" - my understanding is that funding has slightly increased over past years, it is just being spent differently.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:34 pm
by CeeBee
Each paddler and parent will inevitably look at what they are currently getting v what they used to get.

In my case, sadly what we are currently getting is significantly poorer quality than what we have had for the last few years. I would love to say that it was the same or better. There are not the same opportunities to attend camps at weekends and not the same opportunity to get quality coaching pitched at what we need.

This is not because of money nor because the performance budget has shrunk. (Stuart Smith said at the parents meeting in Aberfeldy that the performance fund has increased slightly.)
This is not through reallocation of resources to Sprint as they still have the same coaches.
This is not the fault of the only employed slalom coach who is based at Aberfeldy and funded by additional performance funding from Tayside and Fife coach.

If I was to liken it to school, Education Authorities fund schools to achieve results and educate pupils. Teachers are employed to teach the pupils and what is paramount is the needs of the pupils. Sport Scotland fund the SCA through the performance funding to achieve results and train paddlers . Coaches are employed to teach/coach the paddlers and what is paramount is the needs of the paddler.

So, when pupils don't have a teacher, parents quite rightly expect the school/education authority to recruit a new teacher so that the education of the pupil is not affected. Parent's don't expect to have to fill the gap through teaching them themselves nor by employing tutors (although they will resort to this to ensure their child doesn't suffer).

Similarly, when performance paddlers don't have a coach, parents quite rightly expect the SCA/SportScotland to recruit a new coach so that the training of the paddler is not affected. Parent's don't expect to have to fill the gap through voluntary coaching or by paying coaches (which we have done to ensure our child doesn't suffer).

Parents wouldn't expect pupils from 12-18 to all be taught the same e.g. MacBeth with the teaching aimed at the top. You would expect the teaching to be tailored to the needs of the pupils with the younger pupils needs addressed so that they could eventually be taught MacBeth and not be demoralised at being asked to learn something they are not yet ready for.

Parent's wouldn't expect paddlers from 12-18 to all be doing the same hard course at Grandully with the course aimed at the top Prem paddlers. You would expect the coaching to be tailored to the needs of the paddlers so that the younger paddlers can do a course that they can achieve and have a positive session.

And as a parent of a pupil, you would expect school to be fair and so all schools get teachers and be given an equal chance with equal resources so there was no accusations of favouritism.
As a parent of a paddler, I would expect the SCA to be fair and for all performance paddlers to get coaches and be given an equal chance. The majority of the resources have gone to 1 club only by way of a boat compound at Tully, boats, paddles, trailer etc. No other club got this investment.

p.s. I am not Chris Baillie!

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:19 pm
by bankside
There is nothing worse than an insincere apology; except perhaps for being threatened with assault ""I'm going to fill you in you *****" , in the car park of the local slalom club when you go to collect your daughters after training.

Just because you have a different point of view and are prepared to defend your opinions.

I'm older and dafter and have been threatened before (on the rugby field) but my daughters have been traumatised by someone's behaviour (you know who you are) and if I had any doubts before then my resolution has now been strengthened.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:04 pm
by Wetfeet
bankside wrote:There is nothing worse than an insincere apology;

I assume that you are referring to me?
Look I don't know what's going on here, but if you are throwing accusations about on a public forum you ought to be sure who you are talking to.
The wording and example used in my first post was misguided, as soon as I realised it had caused offence I edited it. It was meant as a positive example of the good an organisation does while the recipients continue to offer negative comments in public, no more. It was a genuine apology which you can choose to accept or not, as is your right. I however didn't read any threats in my posts, can you say the same?

As to your incident in a car park, I cannot comment. I have never personally met you! But do you really think this is the place to post such incidents?

I am the grandparent of a couple of young paddlers. Having been involved in sport including as a coach, all my younger days, I'm keen to know what is going on in the sport they love and have followed the threads on this site for the last 6 months. I have been dismayed at the openly negative portrayal the Scots are putting on a public site. I have felt compelled to try and put something better out there for the sake of the paddlers who mix and compete with other nations. Admittedly in hindsight it was a poor choice of example to use but at least I'm trying!

I can't comment on went before, I haven't been following canoeing for long enough. There may be some valid comments in Cee Bees post I'm sure, but we are in the here and now. My plea to you all is, at the very least, to stop all these negative public posts and post about some of Scotland's successes.

Re: SCA Performance 2015 Consultation

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:44 pm
by Sven
I cant comment on the whys and wherefores regarding Scottish Slalom Paddling but would offer the following:

This forum is called "rants and raves" - so people are allowed to raise concerns and indeed respond to others, but I would suggest a need to be wary about trying to censor others when the feeling is clearly they are not getting a voice through 'normal channels', especially when ...
... I can't comment on went before, I haven't been following canoeing for long enough. There may be some valid comments ...
Some of the people who have commented on this issue over the last few months are well known in the sport and have been involved for a very very long time so I suspect they know what they are talking about

Just thoughts. :-)