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Alva Winter Slalom - 1st December

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:18 pm
by CeeBee
Congratulations and thanks all those who raced at today's Alva Winter Slalom. The sun shone most of the day and Lesley didn't need her usual 6 layers for standing on the river bank in December.

After all the recent hassle it was great to have a day to celebrate what is good about paddling in Scotland and see all the paddlers and parents from various clubs mixing and racing together.

Well done to CR Cats for putting on the event. Lots of people helped in lots of ways but particular thanks go to : Ali and Thor for setting up the timing; Fiona and Angela for organising the race; Johnny for putting up the course and Lesley and Yvonne for running the catering.

See you all at the next race in January

Re: Alva Winter Slalom - 1st December

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:54 pm
by bankside
Another good day at Alva; thank you.

Re: Alva Winter Slalom - 1st December

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:30 pm
by Jerry Tracey
Many thanks to all involved. It was a great day!