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Injured, What to do?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:55 pm
by ayres
Hi, Just wondering what i am best to do. i have had tendonitus in the elbow for the last yr and its just getting worse, didnt train last yr just did a few races and was fortunate enough to scrape promotion. however havnt been in my slalom boat since the british open.
The elbow is still getting worse. so problem is what do i do about racing, do i even apply for a bib?, likely hood is even if i did a few races im likely to not do well enough to avoid demotion (as no training) and then if it ever does heal i will have to get promoted again.

If i dont apply for a bib and either dont race or just judge will i be able to come back into prem if it ever heals?

Not really sure on the rules so any replys appreciated.

Thanks Craig

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:48 pm
by Nicky
Go and see a decent physio and not waste time with nhs ones that tell you to rest! Spend a few quid, think how much a new set of blades or a boat costs!

With regard to demotion, if it happens there are lots of div 1 races, but if you want to stay in prem speak to John woods. Email must be in the year book. If not Facebook me and I'll pass on his details. He's very helpful and will be able to tell you what will happen

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:20 pm
by ayres
Cheers Nicky.
Physio im seeing seems pretty gd but nhs will only provide 6 sessions.have been having acupuncture. also will happily pay for a couple of sessions if i knew a decent physio but dont know any good ones. Gear box has blown up on my van so funds are tight, though so any more than a few and ill have to wait until funds improve. As for cost of new boat and paddles both of mine have more patches than original content now lol.
Rest isnt really an option. all though have been considering closing buisness down and looking for a new job.

Cheers will check the year book. just curious really.

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:32 pm
by MikeR
If you're ever up north, I highly recommend seeing Tim at

He was GB canoeing's physio, and a paddler himself (he used to coach me). I've never met a better physio, and he's very good at working around what you realistically can/can't do. Everyone from all over the place seems to end up going to him in the end.

If you don't race, you apply to John to be re-ranked, he'll generally then try to work out with you which division to re-rank you into. He's very reasonable with it! :)

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:21 pm
by ayres
cheers Mike.
do i bother applying for my bib this year?

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:16 am
by Nicky
Not if you're not planning in racing

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:06 pm
by GreenPeter
For what its worth here’s my experiences.

Since starting back racing approx 3 years ago, I’ve had 2 bouts of Tennis / Golfers elbow that have stopped me paddling.

So first off find yourself a sports physio.

Both times I have had this I have had to stop paddling for a while, the first time was for 3 months because I kept starting paddling and doing to much to early. Second time was only for a month, because didn’t paddle and when I started again I took it easy to start with.

I started paddling when I didn’t have any elbow discomfort doing everyday tasks.

The biggest thing that has helped me is using a larger diameter paddle shaft. I have built the grip area up using industrial electric heat shrink.

If I do start to notice any elbow niggles coming on, I now paddle C1 for a couple of sessions. My left elbow is the one that suffers the most. I’m right handed so my left arm is the top arm, I don’t understand the mechanics of the elbow joint, but the C1 sessions (for me) really do relief the symptoms and I can get back into my kayak.

Hope this is of some use?

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:11 pm
by ayres
Paddling doesnt help the elbow but i dont believe its the main cause. i think work is a bigger contributing factor and self employed so resting arm means no money. i am currently looking into alternatives. but didnt want to have to change work. have been having physio and am looking into seeing other specialists to.
i have increased my paddle grip size and also my tools grip size (on most commonly used ones)
also had dramatically reduced my paddling until totally stopping paddling about 4 weeks ago.
Thanks for the advice.

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:37 pm
by marcus
Hi Craig, there is another treatment available for Tennis Elbow (a friend informed me). This is called Autologous Blood Injections. Sounds scary but it seem to have good reviews on outcome and recovery time! Have a look at this ... elbow.html . Also, do some google searches on this - lots of information on this.



Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:10 pm
by jjayes
If you're ever up north, I highly recommend seeing Tim at

He was GB canoeing's physio, and a paddler himself (he used to coach me). I've never met a better physio, and he's very good at working around what you realistically can/can't do. Everyone from all over the place seems to end up going to him in the end.
Go and see Tim Deykin, the is nobody better.

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:14 pm
by Haggis Hunter
Have you tried a cortico steroid injection? I had a really bad tennis elbow to the point where I could barely write, having tried conventional physio with no result I had the jab... instant relief and 2 years down the line no recurrance :) You'll need to rest it for a couple of weeks following the jab and I would suggest off-loading the insertion of the tendon by using strapping or a tennis elbow brace while gradually getting back to normal activities and paddling, weaning off the strapping as you feel strength improving and are symptom free.
If you've tried all the above have you had your neck assessed? It is not uncommon for elbow/arm pain to be referred pain from the neck and may explain why you're not improving. What are your working postures? It's not necessary to have a painful neck to have a problem there.

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:33 pm
by ayres
Had 2 Steroid injections early on and no change. I am seeing the doctor again tomorrow will mention the blood injections hoping to get refered to a specialist or something.
Would deffinatly go and see Tim but hes 200miles from me and would probably need several visits.
working postures? well im a plumber so lots of working with various tools. have not had my neck checked out other than a some questions when i started with this physio, my forarm was v tight so have been working on releasing this.

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:30 pm
by AnitaB
Hi Craig,

You could try some eccentric muscle training, used for tendonopathies - it does take quite a long time to get better though - maybe 6 months.


Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:43 pm
by djberriman
Just wondering if you do anything else outside of paddling that is affecting it.

I used to have this very badly many years ago, I changed my car to one with power steering (way back when not all had) as I did a lot of miles every weekend commuting to work and also invested in gell wrist and mouse pad (before they were common) as I spend a lot of my day sat at my pc at work. Those two things solved my issue.

Off and on I still have the issue but its not normally my canoeing, lately I've been playing squash with an old racket as my last good one broke, it doesn't have an anti vibration handle and lo and behold my pain came back, my new rackets arrived last week and the pain has gone.

So perhaps worth looking at what else you do what could be causing tennis or indeed golf elbow - I had both at one point!

When injured I rely on ibruprofen gel to take down the inflamation and a neoprene sleeve I put over my elbow to support it when paddling.

And to anyone using a keyboard all day get a keyboard wrest and a mouse rest - your employer should provide them, otherwise you will end up with issues like this due to your wrists being cocked back all day

Re: Injured, What to do?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:58 pm
by ayres
Im a plumber so am constantly restraining it, have tried adapting my tools etc and try to use my left arm where possible but with my job find it impossible not to use the arm.
Also i am self employed so no sick pay etc possible.
Ive been stretching and doing various exercises the physio gave me for a couple months now.