What would you pay for a top quality boat?

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What would you pay for a top quality boat?

Post by roodthomas » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:17 pm

Hi all,

I'm just trying to do a little bit of market research and am curious as to what people expect to pay for their equipment and what you would actually pay considering what is currently available on the slalom market.

What would you pay for a top spec carbon boat? (or expect to)

k1. Galasport £1540, Vajda £1645, Nelo £1700,
C1. Galasport £1580, Vajda £1645, Nelo £1600,
C2. Galasport £1910, Vajda £2210,

Would you pay more for that for a great boat? Or do you think the prices are too high?
***please bear in mind we are talking about top spec carbon for the sake of argument.

(Please feel free to correct prices if I've got them wrong)



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Re: What would you pay for a top quality boat?

Post by Nicky » Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:06 pm

Current boat prices are way over the odds. It must be having a detrimental effect on participation, unless today's paddlers have more money than sense

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