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Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:55 pm
by Dee
It is quickly becoming clear that Shepperton won't be the only cancellation this year. So my question is: should we be fixing the calendar so far in advance?

Whilst prem races have been occasionally moved and relocated there are no rules or precedent that I am aware of allowing a similar action for other divisions.

Should we have more flexibility, eg water too low fo a div 1/2 then change to a div 2/3. Water too high fo a 3/4, then run as a 2/3. Could this be made to work?

Re: Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:25 pm
by lesf
Dee, as one organiser to another - really, don't events create enough work for you?

However it is a good point - if it's just the odd race, then ok, but if it becomes more common then we need to think about how we can be more flexible.

Also before I start, I know organising the managed calendar is a massive job and I fully appreciate the efforts of the volunteers that do it. So no offence is intended in this post.

Does D1.5 on page 94 of the yearbook open a bit of a chink of flexibility in allowing additional events at Div 2 and below in exceptional circumstances (those given are new or reopened venues)? Would adding an event after a cancellation be an exceptional circumstance? I guess if the Div 2 at Shepperton were cancelled you'd have a stronger arguement (in my opinion) for re-arranging it (as it is the only one in the region) than if it were one of the northern events when there are others within a few weeks.

In terms of precedent, I think I recall an occasion a few years back where a Bala Mill 2/3 race was cancelled due to no release, and a replacement event added in September (although I also think the replacement was also cancelled because of no release).

I'm not sure how practical it is for an event to change divisions if the water level is too low for the division - how do you take the entries for the new division at short notice (altogether now 'online entry system'). I suppose if you were to switch a div 1/2 to a div 2/3 at short notice you could take the additional entries on the day - but are there likely to be that many at short notice, and you'd have to consider the impact on other events that weekend.
The start information for Bala Mill say it will run as a Div 3 and open rather than a 2/3 if there in no release - perhaps this is the way forward as it allows those that want to race to do so.

Also is there a need? At lower divisons (2 & 3) there are lots of events, although I'd still suggest that if the only event in the area is cancelled there is good arguement for trying to re-arrange it. At div 4 you can replace a lost event with a div 4 short course event at a months notice.

Re: Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:48 am
by Neil H
What goes around

Now for some good news - Shepperton on 2 side spills and 3 main gates :-)

Re: Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:44 am
by alldaypaddler
i like the above post. :D

Re: Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:59 am
by Canadian Paddler
The current rules specifically exclude changing the division of a race or add a new one at div 2 or below. Unless you want to propose a change to the rules at the next ACM?

There is nothing in the rules to prevent a POSTPONED race from being rescheduled as far as I can see. So Seaton Park has not been cancelled, just postponed :roll: A cancelled race will not happen and a new race can not be added. A postponed one can be rearranged - subject to agreement of other clubs on the new weekend.

Removing obstacles at LVC is not easy - average 7 mins per block to take out, more if underwater, then need approval of the center on a Health and Safety front, and need to ensure that there is sufficient depth across the course, removing blocks can speed the water and result in drops into very little water. Remember that after the race the course has to be put back. Are you available at midnight on Sunday?

The Legacy Loop is only 160m long so fitting a 250m course needs flat gates on the lake 90m of flat in a technical div 1? Oh and it requires the start/finish/judges equipment to be moved from the Olympic course to the Legacy Loop, cant operate both with available equipment, and both courses returned to training mode before we can leave. Any volunteers for moving cables/resetting courses?

Oh and running a div 1 as well as a prem is more than twice as expensive. Water costs are per hour, and div 1 needs practice and 2 runs. Sorry but the finances do come into this. :cry:

Anyone would have thought some of these things had been thought about.

Re: Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:16 pm
by Seedy Paddler
As an Organiser my first choice would be a postponement assuming that is possible and practical.

For Seaton it is based on our training site so easy to change from training to competition gates, we are a long way from most other events so it is down to a suitable alternative weekend and approvals from SCA/BCU Slalom and the Local Council (we operate in a Public Park). Postponements need to fit into other personal and Club committments (we have dropped a planned river trip), local or competing events (e.g. we need to be cognisant of Alva and Fairnilee dates but also dates like Pan Celtic at HPP as these effect entrants and the supporting team in Aberdeen) and any other constraining factors (e.g. landowners/riparian interests/river flows etc.).

We are in the process of postponing this year, just some final emails to provide final approval to the switch of dates, AKC are good with it, the City Council has agreed, I have noted approvals from SCA/BCU Slalom just pending a response from one of the slalom organisers on the new date to verify that they have no objection.

Are we liable to have to change again? I would hesitate to say no but we have been running seaton Slalom since the mid 1970s and this is the first time we can remember when we could not run the event. This includes the early years when it was scheduled for the end of October following the Deeside slaloms at Potarch and Cairnton when we packed up the course and kit in white out conditions on several occasions. Following this weekend and projecting forward we would need to consider a risk of 1:45 for future issues.

As an Organiser I have already got a stock of prizes, thankfully having spotted the issue we delayed the food shop so we have limited our pre-event expeniditure. In the event of a cancellation prior to start of the competition I am required to return the Entry Fees. Net result I have to carry the risk for the event. Past experience as the Organiser for Cairnton slalom has provided me with the knowledge that this can be expensive. There is a limit to the number of times you can have defrosted burgers/sausages and bread rolls even when you do split the food tent around the support team.

However I appreciate from the Cairnton days that some events cannot be changed so easily, private landowners, farmers etc and brought in PA/Timing etc. So in many cases it may just be a case of accepting the hit (one of the reasosn many organisers stopped dating medals and trophies). It may be worth adopting a new principal that when circulating the draft calendar to Organisers that we are tasked both with checking our entries for accuracy but also to identify a contingency weekend as a back-up.

Moreover I would commend the support from SCA/BCU Slalom who have accepted and supported my proposals in these fairly unique circumstances. Perhaps it is better to leave off the rule book and allow those with best knowledge of their own event and situation to discuss options with the Authorities and the liberal application of logic and common sense. In the end we all want what is best for the sport and that includes having competitions to allow entry and participation.


PS CP I am fairly sure you have at least a couple of years seniority :wink:

Re: Cancellations and the Slalom Calendar

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:12 am
by Neil H
Canadian Paddler wrote:
There is nothing in the rules to prevent a POSTPONED race from being rescheduled as far as I can see. So Seaton Park has not been cancelled, just postponed :roll: A cancelled race will not happen and a new race can not be added. A postponed one can be rearranged - subject to agreement of other clubs on the new weekend.
Stupid question probably but it's self-documented that I am full of those, among other things.

Does that apply to all divisions? I was wondering how easy it would be to postpone a Div 1 and rearrange with all the timing etc.