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Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:15 am
by blib
An issue that affects all recreational paddlers and domestic slalom competitors is river access.

At the Olympic Slalom selection event in Lee Valley, April 2012, it is being considered whether to stage a protest to raise public awareness. To make it clear: It would not be an attempt to disrupt, delay or sabotage the event. Absolutely no intention to impact on the event at all, just making use of the event to raise awareness. A simple case of lining the banks with people holding "No Access", "No Canoeing", "Private River" etc. banners. The point would be to raise public awareness of the issue facing all river users, walkers, swimmers, SUP, SOT, canoeists and kayakers with access to rivers and of the attempts to control use of the natural resource, and restrict public use.

The main thrust of this is being generated by recreational paddlers, however, competition based canoeists, swimmers and others have been involved in previous campaigns and suffer the same discrimination of access to training/competition facilities as recreational paddlers.

If you think this is a good or bad idea please say so, and please indicate if you would be willing to support/attend.

It would be good to get as many responses as possible, from a range of paddlers/river users, so that a gauge of overall opinion can be assessed.

Thanks Simon :-)

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:19 pm
by boatmum
Personally, while I have huge sympathy for what is trying to be done, I feel this is unbelievably unfair on those paddlers competing for selection.

While I appreciate your intention is not to impact on the race, the demonstration inevitably will and speaking as one from a generation who regularly participated in organised peaceful demos in my youth - anti aparteid, CND etc etc there is always an element no matter how careful the organisers have been, that will disrupt.

Could you not arrange this at a race which is less significant for the paddlers?

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:03 pm
by blib
Thanks for the reply. All replies and issues raised are being taken on board and as many opinions and views as possible are being sought, so please give your opinion either way on this matter and pass on the info if possible.

The info has been placed in various competitive and recreational forums and groups, including Canoe England Facebook page.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:28 pm
by Carlosvalderama
Unfortunately a less significant event would not have the desired effect in getting the public attention.
Most other Slalom races are only observed by members of the slalom paddling comunity who are generally aware of the access situation.

I feel it's a good idea. If what Simon says is true and stuck to it would be peaceful and not affect the event's running. I can't see how banners along the bank would affect competitors race performance.
Is there likely to likely to be TV coverage of the race? That would certainly help get the message across. Also maybe similar thing at Cardiff World cup.


Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:38 pm
by jim croft
:twisted: I think protesting at this selection event would be very un fair as the athletes are trying to get selected for the Olympics & World Championships. So please think what you are doing.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:36 pm
by blib
Jim thanks for that, can I ask what your opinion is in general terms about access, whether you think there are issues, how you think might be a better way of spreading the word, whether you think BCU are taking the correct course of action or might a policy like Canoe Wales be better productive?

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:28 pm
by Carlosvalderama
I don't think anyone would want to affect/distract an athletes performance, preperation or in general the running of the event.

Everyone on here is involved in this sport and would not want to damage it. However as paddlers we are all affected by the access issue and this issue is more important to our sport as a whole than the olympics or world champinship ever will be.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:50 pm
by BaldockBabe
I am strongly in support for the Rivers Access Campaign but as someone who has seen the amount of work that the Athletes have put into their training in the hope that they will be THE "lucky*" one to gain the Olympic place I think it would be deeply unfair to hold a demonstration at the selection event.

It doesn't matter how quiet you say you will be the fact that you are there may affect some of paddlers in particular the less experienced paddlers. Someone had a cow bell at the Trywerwyn event a couple of weeks ago. I gather this is common on the continent but as someone who had not dealt with that before I found it disracting during my run and whilst judging (and no, I am not competing at selection, that was just an example).

In answer to your question to Jim re: access, I will not join Canoe England (the BCU is not the right organisation to refer to as I am sure you are aware) for two reasons, one being their stance on access, so I think they have got that competely wrong but that still does not change my view of holding such a protest as such an important time in the athletes career.

*perhaps not the right word as they have put a lot of work into it but I couldn't think of a better one.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:39 pm
by Carlosvalderama
I think people are missing the point of Simon's first post.
The point was made that it would not disrupte the event and simply to draw the publics attention to the campaign.

Banners, Bells, whistles and shouting are all part of competative sport and if this would disrupt the 'less experienced paddlers' then I'm sorry but how would they cope at a major competition where the added pressure of Olympics, TV etc would be more intense.

How do the padlers who will be at the selection feel? The must have an opinion.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:06 am
by blib
Carlosvalderama wrote:How do the padlers who will be at the selection feel? The must have an opinion.
The slalom competitors themselves will be the views that will hold the most attention. They will have camera's facing them in the run up to the games, that interruption will happen as is the way with modern media reporting. The question is do the GB slalom paddlers feel that it would benefit the sport as a whole if they were to mention the lack of access to rivers for training and competition? They only have to learn one sentence to say at interview "Your river, My river, Our rivers"!

Do domestic slalom paddlers feel it is worth raising the issue?

Does the slalom committee organising the event think it could support with press releases? A simple statement recognising the issue of restrictive use of rivers facing competitive paddlers within training and competition.

You can protest peacefully, without disruption and in silence. Slalom has heats and breaks in the program. To hold an A4 size Union Jack and then flip it to reveal "My River", "Your river" or "Our rivers" could be done, whilst no competitors are racing, in such a way that half the people at the event would not even notice, but the photo/video would record and the pre release and follow up media releases will press the point. It would not be done during the runs and would only be done if those connected with the sport (spectators, parents, judges, organisers, competitors) were participating. The issue of access is primarily about the restriction of activity of river users to natural resources, the last thing any protest should do is impact or restrict others. No mob tactics, No crowds, No shouting, Bells/whistles, etc.

Legacy, is the sound bite that got the backing of the nation for the London 2012 games. Access to rivers should be part of that legacy in order to facilitate the hundreds and thousands that will be inspired by the games to venture out and take part in canoeing, kayaking, open water swimming and other watersports across the nation on our natural resources.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:38 am
by Neil H
i think there have been polls on here before

Why not take a democratic vote?

We live in a democracy after all

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:27 pm
by kendall chew
Really, this has to be an irresponsible act. There are many ways and times to address this but, surely not at an event as important as this. These people have been training harder than most of us could possible imagine, for a very long time. There is no need to do this at all. The issue of river access will be here after these athletes have done their best for their country. Leave them in peace. If any one of you suggesting this is a good idea is willing to be absolutely accountable for the behaviour of a loose cannon at a demonstration such as this then stand up and put your name and address on the banner. Then we know where to direct angry and upset competitors when it all goes pear shaped.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:04 am
by Carlosvalderama
"irresponsible act", "loose Cannon"!! What are you expeting people to do start tunneling under the course, chaining themselves to the boat conveyor, throw themselves at paddlers as they are competing?

The point is only to bring the issue to a wider public audience be that with leaflets, posters or banners. I can't see how this is in any way going to affect competitors and they will be "left in peace".

As you say the issue of access will be there long after the competiton. So what shoud we do? Just accept it? Be greatful with what we've got?
If everyone, Paddles, Coaches, parents and supporters were willing to stand up for a cmmon cause then this distraction you're all so worried about would not be an issue as it would be a message from the slalom community. Mabe even Canoe England or the BCU would show it suport. Some solidarity for a greater good of our sport beyond 2012
blib wrote:
Do domestic slalom paddlers feel it is worth raising the issue?
Mabe they don't

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:41 pm
by kendall chew
You cannot control the emotions or thoughts of individuals, particularly when acting "en masse". It is precisely this, which makes the "loose cannon" entirely possible. If you really do feel you can control everyone at this event, including the people who are not in slalom paddling community, then by all means protest but, make sure you you leave your name and address somewhere visible, just in case there is trouble.

If you do go ahead with a protest on this day, do it at the end and make sure all, who competed, are invited to join in. It may be fruitful to use this to gain petitions, online and by hand. I understand ( I am happy to be corrected) that it is possible to petition Parliament, online. As access rights are close to all hearts in the paddling community maybe we can achieve this through the online paddling fora. This small alteration may just help the cause.

As an adjunct, I am in favour of greater access and am NOT objecting to sensible, considered activities furthering our cause.

Re: Access Awareness April 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:39 pm
by Carlosvalderama
I agree entirely with you last point Kendall gaining the support of the slalom and paddling community is vital. A petition is a good way of engaging this and hopefully any other member of the public who attends.
However I feel it will take more than this for anything to change. The public en mass needs to be aware of the situation.

The loose cannon well I suppose it only takes 1 person out of 1000 and there will always be these people. I kind of imagined that any of the supporters of the cause would be slalom paddlers/supporters anyway (that's not to say some of these aren't loose cannons :lol: ) not a crowd of anarchists who simply want to disrupt things for the sake of it.