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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:47 pm
by BurgessA92
Those paddlers who are short-sighted may be VERY interested in following this link i-GO lenses
I came across it on an advert whilst browsing the internet. I thought it'd be too good to be true but with further research found out that the 'OrthoK' lenses have been used in this country for some time now and that it really does work.
I've been wearing the lenses for about half a month now, and my eyesight is BETTER than 20/20. I just have to sleep in my hard lenses every night, and take them out in the morning. There is no problems with sleeping in these lenses, they are designed to be slept in (I had concerns about that initially until I first used them). They were uncomfortable to begin with because I was only used to soft lenses but it does get a lot easier very quickly! I could happily wear mine in the day time too now.

It's been great for me, I couldn't trust lenses for paddling because of the number of times I've had them slip so I just went without. My prescription was only -2.00 but since being able to see whilst paddling I have noticed a huge difference. I strongly recommend anybody who is short sighted to check it out and maybe try it! :D

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:47 pm
by BurgessA92
also, happy to answer any questions that anybody may have

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:35 pm
by Spiderman
Interesting. When I had my eyes tested a year or so ago, the optician told me how old I was according to my vision. he was spot on. So it seems i have a very normal vision loss for my age. I am now living in deepest, darkest, southern Philippines so I have emailed them (Emerald) to see if they have the ability to provide them for me here. I also asked them a question. If the purpose of the "lenses" is the reshape the cornea whilst sleeping ie with eyes shut, why do they have to be lenses and not simply another material that would equally reshape the cornea? I await the response :-)

Good heads up though thanks! the water here is very big and I need good vision to see exactly how concerned i should be when running new sections of the river!! :-)


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:23 pm
by Spiderman
Oh! Replied immediately:-

I am afraid we do not have availablity in the Philipines. If you travel to other parts of SE Asia we do have distribution in Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan JApan and China.

Joann Simonsen

Looks like I moved to the wrong part of the world to try these....

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:12 pm
by kendall chew

I have often found that; if you wear contact lenses and play squash, a direct hit in the eye often molds the cornea to the shape of the lens. It may be worth trying. I have some good ideas on how to flatten post Christmas stomach as well, if you are interested.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:53 pm
by General Flangecustard
Good to hear from Spiderman. I did not even know you had emigrated until about a month ago.

I would be keen to hear from Kendal about the stomach flattening.


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:15 pm
by kendall chew
Well, General, I am very glad you asked. It is in fact a simple but very effective trick and works thus; Place track suit trousers and Tee shirt on, find quiet corner of house, lie face down, ensuring toes and nose are in contact with the ground. Remain in this position for some time and; Hey presto, one flat stomach!

I have used this as a teaching technique, in my many, many slim clubs and have discovered it to be a real success, so much so that most of my trainees find it unneccessary to return after the first visit.

Next week; World domination and how to avoid it.

Re: For those who are short sighted...READ! - New contact le

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:47 pm
by Neil H
I find going bare chested with a layer of resin liberally spread offers an effective waxing whilst extracting oneself from the prone position