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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:05 pm
by davieq
Is it just me or does anyone else still send in stamped addressed envelopes to the organiser for startlsts and result sheets? I only mananged 2 races this year due to injury and as normal sent SAE's for both startlists and result sheets to both organisers. I received nothing back!!! Does everybody just rely on this site for start times, info, results etc. What if you do not have access to a computer or the internet? Am I just being a dinosaur or should I expect these documents from the race organisers? Sad I know, but I like to keep my startlists/result sheets from every year, so I have nothing to show for this years racing. :(

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:59 pm
by oldschool
Most of the time any start list you get through the post these days will be completely useless to you on the day!!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:22 pm
by Terryg
Yes, still send 2x SAE.

As stated by oldschool, a lot of the time start sheets sent out are often pretty basic these days, but they are useful if you have not been to the site before.
Also, I like to have a copy of the running order up front so I have some idea how to plan my day.

I also like to have a copy of the results asap after the event. Sometimes the paper copy arrives before they are posted online.

I did try, a few years back, just sending 1 SAE with results written on it, but I frequently got start lists back in it, so now I just send 2.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:11 pm
by lesf

As I've just finished taking entries, my straw poll of 100 entries shows 1x person send 2 SAE's, a 3 sending 1x SAE (though most marked 'results').

The majority do not send an email in luei of their SAE as per the rules - which would be handy (although I'm just as guilty of not including an email address instead of envelopes with my entries).

and don't get me started on the the numbers that can't fully fill out cards . . .

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:08 pm
by davieq
Thanks for the replies. I will continue to send in my 2 SAE's as usual, which I always clearly mark with 'Starlist' and 'Result Sheet'. Do you think I should take the 2 organisers to the small claims court to get my 4 first class stamps back?? postage is quite expensive nowadays :D

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:01 pm
by oldschool
So is printing!! (see other thread on slalom returns!!)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:08 pm
by Dee
Since, it would appear from your posts on the forum, that you do have internet access, could you not just print start list, information and results from internet.

It saves the organiser from having to do so on your behalf and saves you the envelope and stamps!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:57 pm
by Terryg
This assumes that EVERY organiser of EVERY event puts the start list online. Not sure we have reached that stage yet.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:46 pm
by davieq
Thanks Terryg, we shouldn't assume that everyone has or wants to use t'interweb. I still like old fashioned paper copies. If everything has to be done online then it should be made clear that organisers will not provide starlists/result sheets. If that is the case then I wouldn't have a problem printing my own.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:03 pm
by Nicky
the start list that I could have released on Wednesday and posted, bears absolutely no resemblance to the event that took place today.

Thanks to the timing team and an all hands on deck approach this morning, the event was up and running only 15 mins behind. There was little or no time to deal with slight complications wit the timing gear due to the massive glut of late entries.

Please can people enter events in time, it does cause massive trouble on race day!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:06 pm
by davieq
Just to make it clear my rant is in no way a critisism of any organiser. I think they do a brilliant job with very little thanks. I also agree with Nicky and can sympathise with organisers when paddlers can't seem to put their entries in on time.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:46 am
by Nicky
Hi davie

I didn't take it as a critcism, I just wanted to explain why I (and assume the same readon applies for most other events) haven't sent start lists out. I have had a pile of envelopes waiting, but with the piles and piles of late cards, the start list changes quite dramatically on a daily basis, so son't want people turning up on race day expecting to paddle at a certain time when actually there are another 60 entries gone in and the race is completely different.

There are issues with late entries, anyone got any ideas for sorting it?


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:32 am
by Munchkin
Nicky wrote:There are issues with late entries, anyone got any ideas for sorting it?
After seeing the amount of work that has had to be put in at the last few P/1 events due to late entries I think I am going to take the same approach as Dee did at the Shepperton event this year when I do the HPP 1/2/ PC next year which is not to accept late entries.

At P/1 level there is no need to put in your entry late (unless you have just been promoted)... Though for some venues it is nice to hedge your bets with the water levels that is not the case with HPP/ Tees/ Lee Valley/ Cardiff...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:34 am
by boatmum
It's a difficult one - but the only solution I can come up with is make it REALLY expensive to put in a late entry eg

An extra £20.00 in the first week after the 2 week deadline then an additional £40 to enter in the week before the race.

I think something along those lines would focus the attention ☺ and make the hassle worthwhile for the club :D

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:46 pm
by boatmum
If you are a Div 1 or Prem paddler - not sure why you would be hedging your bets on the water levels?

I know if you're a recent promotee to Div1 it may be that you're not ready yet for a full on Div 1 say at Tully. In that case dont enter. The JS grading is on the website for the bigger courses

But prem paddlers hedging their bets? really?