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Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:44 am
by Geebs
“Putting Paddlers First and Valuing Volunteers”

This appears to be the 'mission statement' of the slalom committee, is this the case?

I and others were extremely displeased about a member of the slalom committee publicly passing comments that were not in the best interest of encouraging volunteers at the HPP event this weekend, the comments were directed at the safety team who had volunteered to help.

Safety at slalom events should be under scrutiny at the moment with an aim to provide a better level of cover for the participant's and volunteers will be required to provide this cover, unless of course the entry fee's are increased to provide for professional rescue crews?

HPP can be a difficult course to effect 100% successful rescues due to the amount of overhead lines and the unpredictable flow of the water, the safety team this weekend had a very good success rate, often putting themselves in a position that was potentially 'not desirable' but the safety of the paddlers was paramount.

Volunteers are the lifeline of slalom event's in the UK and we should all encourage them and offer guidance and support rather than criticism!

Long live the volunteer and thank you for your support ???

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:44 am
by Mr Munchkin
Hi Geebs,

I have PM'd you for details...

Yes, “Putting Paddlers First and Valuing Volunteers” is still the mission statement and yes the slalom committee works within it.

Without the details, I can't comment on the specific incident you have highlighted and wouldn’t necessarily do so in this forum for obvious reasons, but I am 100% certain I can say that this must have been a personal comment, and not those of the slalom committee. This does not excuse it and I will have a conversation with the person involved...

Slalom is heavily reliant on volunteers; without volunteers not only would the competition side not happen, clubs from the grass roots upwards would not exist! Simples... Volunteers include everybody from parents, club committees and organisers, coaches, event organisers, judges and officials, safety, bib officers, ranking officers, and the slalom committee... That is a fantastic resource which cannot be replaced and is often not praised enough.

Since joining the slalom committee, I have been reviewing where we are and what we could do better for volunteers within the discipline, and trying to develop the role of ‘volunteer coordinator’. Having started this, my aim is to contact the volunteers, clubs and organisers directly over the next month or so, to find out what we are missing, how I (and the committee) can help more, and develop two-way discussions on various subjects that we can all work upon to develop the future of the sport, from grass roots up.

Naturally issues such as the one you raise, is at best distressing for those involved, at worst damaging to the sport and its relationship with the very people who help maintain and organise it. I do not tolerate such attitudes and would really appreciate it if people could consider what they say more, before they say it. Yes, it is great to give constructive ideas/feedback, but off-the-cuff critical comments will not help anyone.

As I said, I will be in touch with as many volunteers as possible over the next few weeks, including on the Chatter Board, but if you would like to discuss / suggest anything or comment in the meanwhile, please get in touch with me…either as below or in person at various slaloms (Orton Mere this weekend, HPP the following).

Thank you to all the volunteers… :D

Best wishes,
Andy (aka Mr Munchkin)

Mobile 07912 850595
Skype fairfield_munchkin

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:47 pm
by Fairweather Paddler
Part of my paid job is about working with and supporting volunteers. I therefore am very interested in the work Andy is proposing. I have indeed spoken to members of the committee in the past about some of the issues experienced by volunteers and the sort of support and recognition they should be given.

The first thing which needs to happen is to define who is identified under the banner of volunteer, and why there are different classes of volunteers. Can some of the inconsistancies be addressed and what will the impact be?

And before anyone starts to moan about people who just complain,..... yes I do volunteer, yes I am prepared to help Andy with the work he is proposing if he would like it, and yes I do everything I do for Slalom and canoeing in general totally FREE!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:57 pm
by Mr Munchkin
Fairweather Paddler, thanks for the post... and thank you for the offer.

As I mentioned earlier, one of things I am looking at is how to develop the role, a part of which is how to involve the diverse range of people we thankfully have in the sport.

I'll be in touch... :)


Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:47 pm
by Canadian Paddler
I too am a member of the committee, and could not run my events without LOTS of volunteers (PLUG Orton Mere this weekend, due to be good weather, and at least two comittee members there, so come along, have fun, have a moan if you want, or make suggestions of other things we volunteers can do etc)

I was saddened to read the first post here, and will be interested to discuss with the 'Volunteer co-ordinator' both cos I am a nosey person, and to help (if I can) sort out any issues raised.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:23 pm
by jsrevell
My children paddle and I would be happy to help you with this project.
Please contact me by e-mail if there is an opportunity.
Jonathan Revell.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:12 am
by Dee
In our neck of the woods I reckon about 80%, if not more, volunteer at some time. in some capacity.

Some volunteers are "visible" - coaches, slalom committe, event organisers and helpers, canteen providers etc. But there are many behind the scenes - in our club this includes peple that clean out the changing rooms from time to time, cut the grass, carry out maintenance on the building (we've added some extra boat storage at our club recently and I can name at least 5 people that were actively involved in doing some of the work and there were probably more that I didn't see).

Please don't forget the "invisible voluteers", they miss out on the glamour ( ??? ) and many people don't even know they are there, but we'd notice it if they vanished.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:14 am
by Dee
PS - not implying you will forget them - just that when people talk about volunteers they tend to think of the ones that they see and recognise.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:39 pm
by Geebs
Dee wrote:PS - not implying you will forget them - just that when people talk about volunteers they tend to think of the ones that they see and recognise.

This is of course very true :(

At least Canoe England has recognised the volunteers work in Paddlesport, Canoe England Volunteer Awards Please note the correct email address to send the form to is: julia.robertson(at) not the one published on the form.

