6.4. Veterans

General slalom chatter...rant about the bad, rave about the good
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Post by oldandslow » Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:13 pm

Hey VET's... I like the age band thing, but I've just had another radical idea, to solve the VET's issue and the women who get to div 1 before they think they are ready. What about having a "protected status", applied for each season - listed as PS like SS or RSC in rankings.
They get the same points of the person below them but don't effect the points of the people below that.
So ranked along with the others, but not eligible for prizes, promotion or demotion. So the people that have been ranked in 1 or prem, like the water but aren't fast enough can stay there and the people who are too scared to race on the bigger water can stay down til they get enough experience. They don't effect the points or prizes of the competitive competitors and everyone is happy!
Life is what happens when you're making other plans.

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Post by Spiderman » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:27 am

Hi Oldandslow. Probably see how things pan out in 2009 and work that out as a Motion for the 2009 ACM. I am about to create a new topic called "Masters League" where it would be helpful if this exchange of views and ideas could continue :-)

Regarding the age banding comments above, I have already emailed NP with an "announcement" to place on the website and this is essentially as you have already mentioned - great minds and all that :-) But regarding the "opt in" principle, I thought this would not be as good (for me as administrator) as "opt out"! My plan is to get all the info from Bib Officers unless anyone says for them not to pass it onto me :-) Then if someone says "Hey! I dont want to be in this!" or "I dont like anyone knowing my age" I will apologise saying they will be removed and point them to the announcement that gave them a previous opportunity to exclude themselves.

The new Topic will include the announcement.

PP :-)
Peter Parker - 12 gate courses are plenty long enough!

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