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General slalom chatter...rant about the bad, rave about the good
Posts: 236
Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 12:14 am
Location: Fife Scotland

Post by PeterC » Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:57 pm

This is actually getting quite useful!!! I have ordered my Kevlar full body armour ready for next steps.

Could I though please add a question - at the Slalom Committee today there was some discussion and the issue raised that in addition to what needs changing there would be some value in identifying what we currently do well so that we don't break what does not need fixing. So how about some good bits folks?

The point about openness and clarity around points etc. in relation to in season promotion is well made and clearly we need to work this through. I would also note the havoc that results when someone gets promoted and then continues to compete in their original division thus depriving others of points. I suspect that we are back to the old chestnut of an online ranking system that is accessible everywhere all of the time (as well as always right!!!) - Washburn Data access?


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Post by djberriman » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:55 pm

Washburn data access would be possible if required. Like anything if there is a need there is a way (for instance a 3G receiver placed above the valley where there is a signal and wireless hub (probably with a directional aerial targetted at the car park) run off a car battery - I actually have the kit to do this just not actually done it at the Washburn. I could certainly arrange this one way or another if required.

(Sometimes there is actually a signal in the car park or by the big drop, but its generally a bit hit and miss)

If such a system were developed however I don't think it should be an 'online' system, requiring any sort of continual connection, I would suggest a download/upload system before/after the event. This is entirely possible even at Washburn (or any other event) although it might mean a short car journey or walk to do the required work.

Posts: 236
Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 12:14 am
Location: Fife Scotland

Post by PeterC » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:21 pm

What a wonderful world we live in!!! Pose a problem and up pops a solution! Thanks. Accept what is said about online, also provides resilience against network failure, however there may be an issue with updates from elsewhere done late etc. No instant perfect solution perhaps?

kendall chew
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Post by kendall chew » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:39 am

Just been looking at, there is an article blogged by a lass who runs rivers commenting on her weaknesses, including breakouts:

Whitewater Kayaking Slalom Technique How-To Videos
Irene's Kayaking Blog - As usual, after watching videos of my friends creeking Class V, I went searching for some instructional videos on kayaking slalom technique because I know I’m weak in the eddy-catching / boat control department.

Maybe we really do have an untapped source for new paddlers here if they feel the need to resort to Slalom techniques to run rivers.

Food for thought.

General Flangecustard
Posts: 88
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Post by General Flangecustard » Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:17 pm

I origanally started slalom as I was advised it would help with my general paddling. I now do this more than any other type of canoeing.
It seems to me the biggest problem is getting canoeists to give slalom a go in the first place.


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