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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:25 am
by Carlr
Just so you are aware Coolblue canoes are selling the following for about £50.00:
The G-Slalom Helmet This extremely lightweight Carbon/Kevlar helmet is reinforced with Carbon and designed with the paddler's utmost head safety in mind. Its strong and rigid construction with soft closed cell foam liner safely absorbs even the most extreme impacts. It is recommended for slalom, river runs and rodeo.

The helmet does comply to European standard of approval EN 1385 for watersports use.
check out there web site

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:53 am
by Geebs
Boat Sherpa wrote:Geebs, with your connection to the Yorkshire Outdoor Superstore, is a list of all CE approved watersports helmets something that you would be able to pull together relatively easily for Nick Penfold to post on the Canoe Slalom website?

Sorry for the delay but we will soon have the full list ready as we are entering nearly every CE approved watersports helmet that is readily available onto our new website, so you can have a look before you make a decission on which one to buy.

We will also be issuing a discount code for BCU members which will entitle them to a discount if they would like to buy on line.

I will post the link to the helmet section as soon as it is finished hopefully in the next week. :angry:

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:19 pm
by Geebs
Who should be responsible for checking helmets anyway?

I spotted 4 illegal helmets this weekend at Bala! theroetically these paddlers should not have been allowed to compete and certainly should not have been awarded points for competing!

If we are going to have rules they need enforcing or they are a waste of time.

How do you guess what other paddlers think, knowing that they have been beaten my someone that is competing illeagally? and what action should they take?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:55 am
by Train2Win
I'm pretty sure that most people don't care. How the #### is a helmet going to effect your time, come on, be srious people. Fair enough the organisers should enforce the rules/ committee scrap the rules, but paddlers complaining because someone beat them wearing a camp star helmet? Come on!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:52 pm
by davebrads
That's total BS. If Cambell et al did not believe that wearing a Camp Junior helmet is going to help them:
a) go faster
b) avoid poles
then they would wear the legal helmets.

The point is, there is a rule, and it should be enforced for everyone, no matter who they are, or else scrap the rule, but who is going to do that?

ps. I was the Chairman of the Jury at Bala Mill, and I missed the illegal helmets!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:46 pm
by PaulR
I fully agree with Train To Win, who cares? I certainly don’ can wear a salad bowl with a Velcro strap on if you think it works and "makes you go faster".

Just a quick thought...who exactly is Campbell et al?? What other paddlers use these helmets?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:02 pm
by canoebabe88
I spotted a few helmets that were illegal, but as a coach i feared more for the paddlers safety than who won and if they got an advantage over me.

I did not feel in a position to say anything about it as I was competing against someone who had an illegal helmet as I was last so it could look like i was looking for reasons to get more points.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 8:08 pm
by canoecrazy
canoebabe88 wrote:I did not feel in a position to say anything...
ha u didnt feel in a position 2 complane. can u remenber what u did at Nene???? ???

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:27 pm
by mikey
How many head injuries have there been in canoe slalom. As far as I am aware there have been very few! Never heard of a serious one in this country! Back in the day I remember some really dodgey home made helmets. I had a home made carbon helmet which i used at bourge on 85cumecs. I would say it did its job as it got smashed when I flipped in the main hole!

Just let people race! Does a helmet really make you go faster? I dont think so!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:32 am
by Geebs
There are quite a few rules that are aimed at the safety of the paddler and other competitors, if you chose to ignore them you should get disqualified.

The same thing can be said about under weight boats, necking gates, DD, two competitors to remain on the water at the finish for safety and all the other rules, they are written in Black & White in the yearbook, if there are no rules for the discipline then there is not much point!

Polo tournaments are a lot stricter than slalom, as BA's, Helmets, Paddles and Boats are all checked normally prior to the competition and paddlers can be pulled off the water at anytime by the referee if they think that you are using illegal kit.

Surely it is the duty of the coach when they intoduce paddlers to the different disciplines to explain the rules and the duty of the organisers of the competition and the various committees to uphold the rules, rather than Jury members 'badgering' (pester, press, hassle, harass, plague, go on at (English Dictionary) other paddlers to protest on something they should have picked up and acted on themselves???

As Mikey say's how many head injuries have there been? possibly not many as most paddlers are wearing the proper approved helmets!

Well I think that this is down to the slalom committee to decide on what (if any) action they will take in the future on this issue and how they are going to enforce it.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:09 pm
by beefy
mikey wrote:
How many head injuries have there been in canoe slalom

just to help you with one.

One of the ladies swam last weekend and hit her head while also occouring injuries to her legs. She took quite a hit to the head and if wearing a helmet which would have been less safe that he one she was wearing this could have been a different story. Okay so maybe it doesent happen often but do we really need to risk it happening?