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Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:39 pm
by New but old
As the day looms on the horizon - thanks Jim this has been a really enjoyable topic. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:39 pm
by jjayes
We are delighted to announce the above plan is (as the more astute readers have guessed from our campaign statement “We see this as A Positive and Realistic Idea, Laying out the Framework Of Our Legacy to Society”. APRIL FOOLS,

This started out many years ago as an idea and turned into a fantastic way to raise awareness of the plight of these poor creatures. Of course they must be helped in their natural habitat. The idea of them swimming in the River Dee is (as some people have said) is quite ludicrous. But thank you to all our harshest critics for they made us die laughing, sorry if we offended anyone and well done to the ones who got the joke. The outcome of the joke is that the story (at great personal risk to our reputation) has gone world wide viral and many people may now be inspired to help the dolphins ( if only to save them from mad ideas such as this), we will of course donate any money raised to the cause, and facebook has been used for something more rewarding than the usual navel gazing rot. Facebook has such a potential for good, but also we hope that people learn not to believe everything they read or see. I must thank all government officials for their comments, it just goes to show how closely facebook is followed during working hours.

I really must thank my friend Alan Potts who did such a great job with the photos. email.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:25 pm
by Fup Duck
Oh and I'll happily apologise if anyone went out and bought that God awful book The World Without Us (just my opinion) mentioned in my post. I don't actually think it has a parallel to anything except extreme boredom. A page turner it ain't unless you are on a planet with a dense gravity because that's what it felt like when reading it. I don't think I've ever been that bored - except when I wrote that dolphin poem

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:11 pm
by jjayes
I thought your dolphin poem was great.

We had a email from a news paper editor today who ran a major full page article about the dolphins and he was not a happy bunny.

"Dear Mr Jayes

I see that you sent out an April Fool spoof story the best part of a fortnight before April 1st.

You have abused the trust of the ***** **** and wasted the time of my journalists and my readers".

My original comments on this are not printable here!!! But I did reply with what has become a standard answer to those that have taken it far too seriously, "is it because they is pink that you do not like them".

I did a interview tonight with a rival paper about how the other paper took the bait, line, rod and fisherman in one big gulp!

So the dolphin story lives on, I only hope the real dolphins have the same good fortune in the future.

Please take a look at them and learn about their plight ...
Pink Dolphins.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:18 pm
by Fup Duck
As a further mark of how sad I am.
Early in the story I even took a look at Amazon - see the irony there, as I was toying with the idea of sending you something for a laugh. My favourite is the whistler, he just makes me happy everytime I look at him.

And if you don't want one of those you can have my copy of The World Without Us

I might even drop more random poems on here if the mood takes.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:12 pm
by jjayes
I am going to buy both of them.

Why not adopt a dolphin, you do not even have to have a big bath.
Adopt now.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:31 am
by Fup Duck
As long as it's not that dirty Brighton dolphin, I bet he's out there now somewhere on the dolphin equivalent of a restraining order or in aquatic mammal prison. Maybe he's in solitary con-fin-ment (see what I did there.) He may have been defending himself against a violent tuna and retaliated in self-defence. It never pays to get in with the wrong crowd - he should have picked a dolphin friendly tuna peer group.