Veteran working party - Suggestions ?

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Post by Spiderman » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:23 am

Hi Mwilk. Thanks for the good luck wishes at the Ski Slope. I posted elsewhere about my weekend so I will not reiterate that here. Suffice to say I could not do two good runs in the Prem event but with the benefit of paddling on the water twice on Saturday and once in Sunday practice, I was able to get in one decent run in the Div 1 :D .

But here is the sad part. I won Prem Vet and Div 1 Vet essentially because I was the only one. :( This means in 2008 I have now paddled at 2 x Div 1 events and 1 x Prem event and won each of them - there was no-one else at the first one either! :(

I got no prize at the first Div 1 or last weekends Prem event but having discussed my somewhat pointless attendance as a Vet at the Div 1 the next day, the organisers thoughtfully awarded me a 1st Vet plaque. :D

So my question is this. If I am the only Vet that attends an event when others are registered as Vets in the Yearbook/Ranking List but they do not attend, should I be awarded a prize or not? Whilst it can be said that it is obvious that I will be the winner if I am the only entrant, I personally do not see this as reasonable justification not to award a prize. It seems sensible and reasonable to me that if there IS a category to win at an event then it should be one that can be "won". Simply because other competitors do not attend is not a good reason not to acknowledge the performance of the person who has attended. If a cricket or football team do not arrive at a match it is normal to award the win to the team that attends. I see no reason why the same should not apply to our sport with individual competitors.

Please do not misunderstand me here. I am simply raising this question because, quite honestly, I do not currently know why I am bothering to race! I may as well turn up and simply "paddle". Surely we race to "win" something? I spent more than £200 last weekend to "race" at Tryweryn. To be the only person in my class who attended was very disappointing. To actually clear both the Prem and Div 1 courses was, indeed, very satisfying for me, but if I were to get absolutely no recognition for my efforts would have been a real downer. :( . To return home with a Welsh slate plaque for the Div 1 Vet win, even if I was the sole entry, was for me very pleasing. I simply felt that it was a "just" reward. And I am most grateful to those responsible for giving me this. Obviously it would have meant more to me if others had attended and I had beaten them, but I am quite content in the knowledge that they had the same opportunity to attend as me, but for their own reasons, they did not.

If the general concensus of opinion is that I should not win anything, then I really would like to opt out of the Vet category right now (or at least before the next event) and become a DV for the rest of 2008 because there would simply be no objective in staying a Vet. Obviously I would have very little chance of winning anything but hopefull, before I get too old to compete, some sensible structuring of the DV's would come about to enable a 50+ year old paddler some chance of being something more than an also-ran.

J14, J16, J18, 23, Senior then simply Vet above 36 is simply not fair nor reasonable IMHO. But then, you really need to be a 50+ to appreciate that I suppose! :( I really hope that this whole Vet and DV category gets sorted out soon as the current situation (certainly MY current situation) is not an enviable one nor an enjoyable nor rewarding one. What say all of you please? Thanks for reading :)
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Post by Canadian Paddler » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:08 am

I believe that the year book says that prizes must be awarded when tehre are more than three in a class AT THE CLOSING DATE. So if you are the only paddler, or tehre are just two of you the organiser has no duty to award a prize. No yearbook to hand so cannot back that up

Given that a large percentage of the entry goes to the Slalom Committee for national organisation etc, the organiser is not left with much to run the slalom AND buy prizes, especially if there is just you in the class.

As a low division organiser I tend not to give 1 prize to the vest class when there is just one entered for the two days of a double (OK he is normally from my club when that happens). :laugh:

My view is that while I can hack it in the division I will paddle DV, even though it means I am paddling agfainst those more than 15 years my junior. There are so few of us silly enough to still paddle over 35, that it is not economic to expect prizes in too many bands, and when I am the only over 50 paddling any prize feels like 'extracting the michael', I have enough plastic shields, and would rather the club made more money and kept running events. Now if it is a useful prize, like cakes and sweets {Remind me which East of England club gives those as prizes? :D } then I AM interested.

Bit of a ramble, not intended as a dig at anyone, just a tried old fogey's view
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Post by Spiderman » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:01 am

Hi CP. Yes, I think you are right regarding what the Yearbook says although, like you, I have not checked either! But I flag this up as we are talking here about a subject that is intended to undergo some changes, and I think this is one of them.

I fully appreciate your comments about event costs. I am sure it is not easy. I see from your profile that you paddle for Peterborough so I think you know very well that it is Peterborough who dish out large volumes of sweets and cakes!!! A very nice alternative to the plastic sheild you mention :D But even those are some form of recognition of course. I do hope that the decision makers in this regard get to read all the comments here so that the final decisions made, at least, take into account the various views.

Anyone know if I can jump from Prem/Div 1 Vets to Div 1 DV now the season has started? Im sure it has not been done before and I dare say I will be told I cannot :( I feel a bit like that sole remaining Turtle "Lonesome George" in the Galapagos Islands who is the last of his kind. But, erm, don't go looking for a mate for me ok!

Your comments are not seen as any kind of dig CP. This is a matter up for discussion and all comments are very welcome so the key issues can be properly considered. I will still paddle, compete even, in whatever class I am placed. I really enjoy both the challenge to do a good run and the competitive atmosphere. Irrespective of category, I like to assess my position against other K1's in a different category to see how I have faired. Im sure many do this. I even assessmyself against other boat classes! How on Earth do some of those paddlers with a blade completely missing get down so fast!? Awesome. Thanks for your comments CP.
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Post by PaulBolton » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:29 am

CP says "There are so few of us silly enough to still paddle over 35". I don't think this is accurate. To me, DV seems a large class that is increasing. Demographics certainly indicate that this class is, and will continue to, constitute an increasing section of society. Also, we are not the "playstation generation" so can still use our arms and legs for physical activity!!! :D

I think Spiderman highlights perfectly why Vet isn't really working and that a more inclusive class within the overall competition is required. I think if the over 40's had their own class even more geriatics would be enticed back into competitions!!



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Post by oldandslow » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:32 pm

I paddle as a DV but had a close look at going Vet for this season because I thought it would mean that I would not have to be promoted to Div 2. I am a very borderline div2/3 paddler and would be far happier in div 3. I would change to Vet if it meant that I could stay in div 3. It grieves me to pay the extortionate costs of div 2 when it scares me and I come last! Ho hum! Roll on demotion for next season or a change in the rules please working party!
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Post by katonas » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:32 pm

Anyone know how many of the Div1 DV paddlers on Sunday were over 49yrs of age? If there were at least 2, and Spiderman was the fastest, he could say the trophy was for the fastest Vet 50+ which would be a lot more meaningful than being the only Vet.

Organisers at some of the div2 events I attended last yr combined DV and Vet paddlers results, awarding only one prize to the fastest paddler over 35 when only a 1-2 Vet paddlers raced.

I still think the Vet class should be retained for the advantages it offers some paddlers, but that separate prizes should be awarded for over 35, and over 50 paddlers (DV and V together), adding no extra costs for organisers. Anyone disagree ?

Canadian Paddler
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Post by Canadian Paddler » Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:22 am

Ok Sad sack, looked in year book.
page 61 Rule 6.1 Any competitor who is over 34 on 1st January in the year concerne may elect to become a veteran in any class (but not necessarily all) but may revert back to the divisional status in that class in a subsequent year on application to the Raking Status Officer. . . .
So sorry PP if the rules are followed, you are stuck.

Rule 6.5 on the next page formalises the veterans prizes, needing at least three for a prize, (page 86 rule 34.6 says at least one prize for a quorate event [i.e. >3 boats, then the same increases as vets]).

Then Rule 6.7 says if a div 3 vet would have been promoted in the normal division, they are also promoted as a vet, so going vet cannot keep you in div 3 (sorry)

Devils advocate Katonas, how can it not add cost for an organiser if you are asking for an extra prize? no please do not answer that it is a rhetorical question

BUT real thoughts. I am in favour of encouraging Vet and DV paddlers. Especially as having effectively not padded for two seasons I have been demoted. Do I get my old unfit body back in a boat and get promoted, has to be at weekends only, as commuting to London means leave home at 6, back at 8 (pm), so no boat training. OR do I just enjoy my new division, OR take the purple, Or just give up. . . Decisions decisions.

If we can find a way to get quorate vet/DV classes, then we can look at subdivision for age categories, . Perhaps consider 1st vet prize, then 1st in any age group where there are at least three competitors just like the juniors (buried in 34.6 page 87). SO if there are four vets, aged 35,47,48,49 there is a 1st (probably the 'wet behind the ears 35 year old) and a 1st 45-50. Just have to decide if this is vets, or dv, or combined or both or just a silly idea (let alone what age banding, although this could change). Nothing like putting your money where your mouth is, so IF we get enough vest at the first Peterborough slalom I will do just that. (Yep couldn't have a post this long without an advert!)

This would still have left Spiderman with no prize, unless we can get someone to compete against him, and if the entire div 1/prem class turned up there would only be 8 of them in K1, 3 women and 2 C1s. So even then there would only be 2 prizes required. Div 2/3 is not much better 14 men, so there is the possibility of 2 prizes being required.
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Post by NKcanoe » Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:06 pm

[quote] Anyone know if I can jump from Prem/Div 1 Vets to Div 1 DV now the season has started?

Hi Spiderman

I have been reranked back in Div 1 along with Andy Norman.
Come and join us.
I think you can get ranked back into Div 1 as a DV.


Nick K.

Were both on the start list for Tully Div 1.

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Post by PaulBolton » Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:36 pm

So here's my two penneth for the Working Party to consider:

Scrap Vet and protected status, you're either good enough to be there or you're clogging up the event. Also, if no one's signing up for Vet, what's the point. The vast majority are DVs.

Have age categories for DV starting at 40 not 35. If the categories are quorate award prizes or, if too expensive, confectionary or cakes (with cream). I don't know a single DV that won't compete ruthlessly for food!

Canadian Paddler, change jobs. The bottom is falling out of the banking sector anyway. If work and commuting precludes canoeing somethings not right - especially so if you can compete for food - don't earn a crust - win it!!!

Does that help??!!

Oh well, cheers


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Post by Spiderman » Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:10 am

I am SO enjoying this topic! :-)

Hi Nick! Looks like I dropped a blooper coming back in Vets this season with you and Andy going DV! I only found that out from Mike Carter at Viking last night! I look forward to seeing you again somewhere but I will not be Tully sorry to say as I am chillin down south - in the warm! :-)

CP, I only do long posts so its good to meet someone else who does not know when to stop! :-) I was actually reaching the same conclusion with everyone over 35 being DV in 5 or 10 year bands. I am informed that they do 5 year bands on the continent but, if that is correct, I dare say they have more competitors to justify that. Anyone who wishes to paddle beyond or below their ranked status could always do the officials event. This would add to the number of officials which I understand might be helpful to organisers anyway. I concur with Pauls view "you're either good enough to be there or you're clogging up the event". If you are a bit out of your depth an officials run would seem a good angle. But, of course, there would surely be young whippersnappers in that class so not sure how a non DV would ever win much :-(

I do think it is important to paddle higher events in a class that you are capable of out of respect for any paddler who is following you. I am sure most of us have sat near the start of a lower division/open/officials event and watched the paddler in front go down the course swinging wildly every pole in sight as they negotiate the course in the same manner that a dog with a long stick tries to get through a doorway! At least paddling in Vets I do not get this problem as I am following the cream of the crop in the K1 event and they typically leave the poles exactly where the organisers left them!

Personally, as much as I like cakes and home made cooking, I do not want to spend 200 quid to compete in a Div 1 or Prem event and come away with something that will be gone by the time I get home! As a die-hard competitor I think there should be something to win. I do not ask a diamond encrusted gold cup that takes two people to lift, just a small award in recognition of my efforts if I do actually win.

In a moment of brainstorming I thought of a 1 second/year time advantage. So if the vet age is 35, a 40 year old would have 5 seconds deducted from his run time, a 55 year old 10 seconds etc etc. It was just a moments thought and may be completely impossible to deal with but I mention it here in case it sparks another idea or solution that can be adopted.

Thus far, I am in favour of a basic class of "Veteran" and this would be split into say 10 year bands. 35 to 44 (V1), 45 to 54 (V2) and 55 to 64 (V3) or similar. Prizes should be awarded in all classes irrspective of numbers competing in each class for reasons I have previously stated.

The above does not really concur with Kats idea that retains Vets and has only 2 bands, but lets keep these suggestions coming, keep debating, keep flagging up the pro's and con's and I am sure the best solution will filter out in the end!

Nick.....I will still be checking my results against you and Andy no matter if we paddle in different classes.....I'm improving ok! :-)

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Post by Anne » Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:26 am

A fairly radical idea, just my thoughts, we have one or the other starting at 40:

Either a seprate Vets class with a slightly lower enrty fee, run similarly to how it is now but having the stipulation if you want to paddle as a Vet you have to be part of it.

or scrap seperate Vets class as at the moment as few paddlers seem inclined to want to paddle this way anyway and keep DV in general ranking starting at 40 with a second tier at 50 if quorate.

Disadvantage of Vets class: no option of demotion/promotion.
Advantage: option of paddling more than one division, possibly lower entry fee.

Disadvantage of DV can be promoted/demoted, same entry fee, only one class can be paddled.
Advantages: paddling against whole class, can be promoted/demoted.


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Post by katonas » Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:34 pm

Why is it when 'change' is discussed people tend to suggest radical changes. Any change always has the potential to upset people, so to my mind, it seems sensible to adopt minimal change that achieves the most important aims.

The most important aims for me seem to be to :
1) introduce recognition to the oldest paddlers (gradually, with further age groups if successful)
2) allow DV and Vet paddlers to compete against each other

Why 'take away' things that might upset paddlers ie.
1) benefits of being Vet
2) increasing cut off for Vet/DV from 35 to 40, so excluding many from 'the club'.
3) prevent DV paddlers from competing against younger paddlers

Personally at 37 I've become used to being Vet, although when I paddled my first slalom I was surprised to be told I was one.

Oh, CP :
1 prize (35+ DV ) +1 (Vet) = 2
2 prizes (35-49, 50+) +0 = 2
(If classes quorate)
These are rhetorical equations so don't bother replying.
Perhaps you could explain why you feel I am playing 'devil's advocate'.

What's wrong with a cheap badge anyway, it takes up a lot less space ? Food has no permanence to it. Personally I wouldn't want a prize if there were less than 3 in my group - what would I have achieved ?

Regarding the 'working party', this forum is probably as close to it as we'll get, so it would be worth trying to achieve some form of consensus.

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Post by Canadian Paddler » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:21 pm

Katonas, it was me playing devils advocate - being contrary for the sake of it, in general I think we agree. I seem to remember it being a shock when I became vet, but my long term memory is not that good.

NK/Spiderman, if Spidey had not paddled this year, he could have reverted, but the rule book says too late - might be able to appeal to the slalom committee/ranking committee to waive the rule in this case, but thats not my call, I just looked at the rule. :(

Anne, there is possibility of promotion in vet, just not demotion (at the moment).

Personally, whether I value a prize or not has more to do with my performance against others, I have been given a host of lower Div C2 prizes, where we were the only boat, the prizes meant nothing to me, so often got given back to the club for recycling. So making more prizes available will not encourage me, but having more people to compete against will.

Much as I would love to be involved in working parties, or help with admin at National or Regional level, I am currently out of the house for work for 14 hours a day, so a few weekends paddling/judging and expressing my views here is all I can do.
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Post by Spiderman » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:17 am

Canadian PAddler wrote:So making more prizes available will not encourage me, but having more people to compete against will.
Thats good because one will produce the other people (more than 3 anyway) will result in prizes of course :-)

Anyone know who the decision makers will be in this regard? Any chance of any input from them so their thoughts can be discussed here? Whilst a few suggestions have been made, I am currently sticking with several classes of Veterans in 5 or 10 year bands from 35 years old. It seems sensible and reasonable to me.
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Post by Anne » Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:57 am

Once a final proposal has been reached it needs to go to the Slalom committee and then to the ACM in November for discussion and voting on.

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