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Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:55 pm
by Jt3159

Well done for stating what all have known for some time.
The board are supposed to be running the SCA on behalf off the members.

They are not, they are weak and ineffective and allowing Stuart to run amock.

They think SCA stands for Stuarts Canoeing association!

I do not believe we have heard half of the JB story.

Apparently this was a charge of gross misconduct against him and it was a stitch up.
There were letters of support from all the successful world class athletes.
So who initiated this, did it have board support and what is their agenda?

Has Jonny been so ineffective that he is of no use, no is the simple answer.

It has been suggested for some time that they are lining their own pockets, whether or not they are what they are however not doing is looking after the interests of Scottish canoeing and the SCA?

If anything they are attempting to split up the SCA and are probably jeopardising funding.
There is a huge wave of resentment and a complete lack of confidence in both Stuart and the board from all disciplines.

Let's ask the question what have the board and Stuart contributed to canoeing, I leave you all to ponder.

I wouldn't waste your time taking one of them with you as they are all in Stuarts pocket!

Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:30 pm
by DavidDickson
There have been some new appointments to the board, good people who I trust, hopefully they can make a difference...

Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:01 pm
by SteveM
Just a little note, please be mindful that posting an opinion on here is as good as publishing it in a newspaper as far as the law goes when posting about named individuals.

As long as postings are based in fact and are in line with what you'd be happy to say face-to-face to said people then all should be good.



Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:32 pm
by Seedy Paddler
Unfortunately the Performance Programme has been fundamentally flawed for many years. With the on-site support and efforts by Johnny, initially as a volunteer and subsequently as a part time employee and volunteer, central areas have been largely protected with the cracks papered over.

However the fundamental basis should be that SCA Slalom Committee are empowered and delegated to deliver a holistic development plan for the sport. Hence whilst I fully understand why SCA Performance Director and Coaches have a functional line management link to the SCA CEO. Their operational and delivery line management should be direct to the Slalom and Sprint Committees. Their they work with the Committee personnel to develop, delegate and deliver the overall plan for an inclusive National Strategy.

Performance has never been inclusive, from the early days Paddlers were dropped that did not meet the profile. This is damaging as we lose the paddlers, it also damages those remaining particularly when the paddlers concerned are still among the best in the Nation. Performance should first and foremost be about winners, taking the best we have and improving standards. When a young paddler sees an athlete that they have respect for and are seeking to emulate cut from a squad whilst at the top then it demotivates. By all means once the younger paddlers are catching up and bypassing there is an opportunity to move on. Hopefully by then you have motivated youngsters and perhaps older paddlers encouraged to support with coaching and development roles, rather than disenchanted and departing the sport for alternatives.

Outside the squad we need to see visibility of who is in the squads and what the basis is for selection. In defence of the Performance Director the document is fairly clear on expectations for Vision and Horizon. Along with others I personally believe we are setting the bar too high and the resultant squads will not be viable nor sustainable. We also need a National Strategy and delivery, I can empathise with the pain currently emanating from Stirling and Perthshire. However welcome to the real World where you have to make the running and find your local volunteers. Had Aberdeen, or Selkirk seen the same investment in time and finance as at Alva and Breadalbane where would Aberdeen feature now and would we have the situation that Selkirk are struggling to support Slalom in the Borders.

In reality Johnny should have been the Performance Director, however that is not his desire. He has always stated that he wishes to be a hands on coach. Unfortunately this does mean that at times you have to take instruction from others. A volunteer can choose to make their own way, an employee must obey instruction. I hope that Johnny continues his role in a voluntary position, he is far too good a coach to be lost, in time perhaps, the Management may recognise that a good leader and manager works with their best assets seeking advice and guidance in formulating decisions.

Quite why the CEO is involved I fail to understand. It should be the Coach talking to the athlete and parent on behaviour and expectations. The CEO should really get back to doing the CEO Role and ensure that as Company the SCA are not only just about meeting the legal requirements abut are exceed minimum requirements and addressing the concerns of the Stakeholders. The CEO should ensure that Actions raised at one AGM are closed out before the following; that Accounts and Reports published are accurate (basic errors in the 2012-13 Financial Statement), that the Annual Report addresses the year under discussion and that calling papers and documents are issued and published in advance of the minimum period and not just a little late.

The first requirement must be for the new Board to exert control on the association and provide the CEO with clear instruction and guidance on his role. A role that MUST include answering any and all questions raised by Board Members on the operation of the Association. Secondly we need to restructure and put the employed staff into a system where they answer to and work with the relevant Technical Committees. Those actions will make a very significant movement towards the open transparency needed and to re-install the role of the volunteer in the management of the Association.

Craig Douglas

Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:42 am
by bankside
In the interests of Truth and Reconciliation this post has been removed.

Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:07 pm
by DavidDickson
The posts I have made on this subject, were driven by the pain and frustration I have felt watching good honest people suffer, I believe, unfairly. As a slalom community we are once again working together to try and move things forward positively and try and get our voice heard.

In the interests of our sport, please can we draw a line under this topic. Things have by no means been forgotten, we are working very hard to move things forward positively.

Thank You


Re: Johnny Brown

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:24 pm
by bankside