Injured, What to do?

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Re: Injured, What to do?

Post by Kendall » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:57 pm

If you are experiencing repeated bouts of tennis elbow and altering the grip size of your paddle, and your approach to how you work is not having an effect, you might want to look at your neck. As many tennis elbow problems come from the neck as they do the elbow. Do not simply look at the point of pain for a solution. If your physio/osteopath has not addressed neck function get off the couch and walk out.

This condition is notoriously tough to treat for many reasons including the inability to stop doing what causes the pain( generally work and sport). You should try an epicondylar clasp to alleviate the problem - it will NOT cure but will reduce the discomfort. It is impossible to demonstrate the mechanics of grip ,here, but you could also try running the underside (palm side) of your arm over a rubber ball - yes, the side that is not in pain. You will almost certainly find it painful. Keep going and do it regularly. Stretch your neck and your pec's. Make a fist and push the back of your hand against the table, repeat by doing the opposite. Do all of these, daily, before and after work. Use ice and heat over the tender area.

You have tried steriods, they haven't helped, this is not unusual. Accupuncture may help, so too, Autologous injections but, if you have not addressed ALL the possible combinations - neck included- then you will fail in your attempt to seek recovery. Why the neck and pec's? well it's where the neurovascular bundle starts. This is the electrical supply to the upper limb. If the HT leads to the spark plugs are not working properly you do not get a spark. By replacing the plugs you needlessly spend money in the wrong area. If you need an osteopath in your area, you can call me and, I will find one for you. My office No: 01270886288.

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Re: Injured, What to do?

Post by boatmum » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:43 pm

Agreed I had elbow issues and it turned out to be my neck !

I know there have been loads of excellent recommendations here so I'll throw in my threepence worth. I had Shiatsu treatment. Shiatsu is one below acupuncture as it were. In Chinese medicine there are three levels of pressure point treatment and Shiatsu is the first followed by moxibustion then acupuncture (Think I have that the right order).

I dont know where you are based but there is an excellent practitioner in Oxford and I another based in South London - I can give you their details if you pm me

I still get the odd bout of elbow issue but have found that some simple yoga stretches done daily (once offs are no good :( ) really really help - had a similar issue with my knees and again yoga stretches done regularly help like nothing else can.

BTW - yes I am a bit of an old croc but these injuries were from sports a long time ago and never properly dealt with - so young uns take note - look after yourself now! :) :)

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Re: Injured, What to do?

Post by ayres » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:49 pm

Thanks for the recent advice, i am about to see an orthopedic surgeon, comes very highly recomended, so hoping this will help,
My physio did look into my neck briefly and said it was ok, have only seen physio and gp so far. physio gave me acupuncture but nhs will not supply any more physio sessions now. May look into other treatments after seeing surgeon.
I am stretching similar to many that have been recomended and am doing lots of exercises where i work on extension.
This is the 1st time ive had tennis elbow but it has been ongoing for over a yr now, never quite getting enough rest to recover.
Havnt tried the tennis ball exercise, will give this a go.

Thanks Craig

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