C2W - Does it exist???

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Post by Munchkin » Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:32 pm

Reading the draft selection policy (which, admitidly is generally gobeldy gook to me) there seems to be periodic references to C2W as a class but then no selection %'s etc given to it.

Now I know that C1W IS a class but is C2W??? If so, does anyone know about it? If they don't know they won't go for selection...

Mark Shaw
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Post by Mark Shaw » Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:22 pm

Hi Michelle, C2W is an aspiration of the ICF and allowed for in their rules. However, there are currently no races where C2W can compete at an international level. I think the thinking is that we need more C1W before C2W becomes a reality.

However it is good that GB recognises that C2W does officially exist and includes the option within its selection policy. C2 women crews have got as far as Prem/1 before, the most recent being Rosie Bate/Becky Heath, however there isn't the competition there at the moment.

Perhaps we need to consider a separate C2W catogory for 2011?
The above is the personal opinion of Mark Shaw and does not reflect the views of either the BCU or England Slalom Committees.

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Post by Munchkin » Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:48 pm

Mark Shaw wrote:C2 women crews have got as far as Prem/1 before, the most recent being Rosie Bate/Becky Heath, however there isn't the competition there at the moment.

Perhaps we need to consider a separate C2W catogory for 2011?
Thanks for that explaination, it ends my confusion!

There was not much competion for the C1W until it became a class of it's own. Kate was in Division 1 on her own for years before Jacquie came along to keep her company! Thus I agree, it should be looked at for 2011...

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Post by Geebs » Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:38 am

Why wait till 2011, is there not enough time to get a class arranged for 2010?

This way we would attract paddlers earlier and build up the class quicker?

Just an idea


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