AGM Vet Motion - Any Backers

General slalom chatter...rant about the bad, rave about the good
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Post by Munchkin » Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:38 am

As someone else has pointed out there is a merry little band of Vets out there who are happy where they are and with the decision they have made. Why remove this choice from them and potentially lose them from the sport? It seems that the most vocal about removing the Vet's status are those that have chosen not to take that path, why? It does not cause anybody any harm...

The idea of splitting into seperate age ranges is fair enough though.

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Post by Anne » Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:39 am

My suggestion is that anyone with an interest in this topic ensures they are at the ACM. A motion will be put forward by the committee but it will of course be up for dicussion and can be ammended - if you are not there you cannot comment - so be there!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Munchkin » Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:51 am

Unfortunately I am unable to make it as the AGM clashes with a polo tournament which is inconveniently based in Coventry. Will be asking CP very nicely to proxy our vote for us once we know what the motions are!!!

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Post by mwilk » Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:15 pm

Since we have had no input to the latest round of discussion on this matter from anyone who is on the working party, then it is perhaps best left for next year. Any changes put to the ACM at this late stage that haven't come through a working party are likely to be unfocused and un-researched. Any amendments made as a result will probably upset just as many paddlers as they would make happy.

Seedy Paddler
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Post by Seedy Paddler » Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:56 pm

We propose that rule UK34.6 (p86) be amended to read as follows:
The start list …………… during the event.
In all divisions when there are three or more eligible competitors,
organisers shall provide a prize for the Divisional Veteran and Junior
competitors who gains the best score during the event in each category
and a prize ……………..

Looks remarkably similar to the start of this thread so I guess I should really support the motion put to the AGM. :cool:

Not quite so sure about 6.4, I think we need to come up with a generic "Masters" classification then subdivide into DV and Veteran. Then a propsoal to allow comparison and evaluation between DV and Veteran and end of season "Masters" awards. Not so sure that 6.4 actually does this ???

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Post by jke » Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:56 pm

We propose that rule UK34.6 (p86) be amended to read as follows:
The start list …………… during the event.
In all divisions when there are three or more eligible competitors,
organisers shall provide a prize for the Divisional Veteran and Junior
competitors who gains the best score during the event in each category
and a prize ……………..

This rule seems quite harmless compared to the other one.

As the recipient of DV prizes this year but also the treasurer of a club which runs ranking events, let's not get carried away with these additional (DV) prizes. All that's needed is a cheap medal so that the winner can shake the organiser's hand. If we end up with too many too fancy prizes it will eat into any profit that the club makes and thus reduce one of the motives for running the event.
John Kent

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