Race day timetable - Why is it the way it is ?

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Post by mwilk » Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:33 am

There’s been a lot of talk here about making participation easier and in particular about how the time and effort that is required for what is often just 2 or 3 runs may be putting paddlers off slalom.

This made me wonder if there is a good reason why an individuals runs are spread over the whole day ? Why is it always first run a.m. then second run p.m., possibly 3 hours later. Wouldn’t a one division a.m. then the other division p.m. be a more suitable set up?
Thus, a typical Div 2/3 might be Div 2 in the morning , then Div 3 in the afternoon or vice versa. A 2/3 double could have the Div 2 in the afternoon on the Saturday but in the morning on the Sunday. Vice versa for the Div 3 race.

This would make it easier for the likes of me and others who often can’t stay overnight Friday before a race. Many races for me mean a crack of dawn start, 1-2 hours drive, finding parking, setting up and then may be just about getting in a snatched practice run. Not the ideal preparation, especially if it’s an unfamiliar venue.
With the above option, someone with a lot of travelling to do could enter on the day when their race was in the afternoon. This might be more suitable for many in Div 2/3/4 who can’t commit the same time to the sport that those in Div 1/P can do. I know that many [rightly] enjoy the ‘whole weekend away’ aspect of the sport, but we can’t all do it this way.

Other bonuses would include;
1. Easier to alter the course in the middle of the day, e.g. to make it more or less difficult for the subsequent division race.
2. Judges or other helpers who were racing in one session would be totally free for the other.
The only possible downside that I can see is the shortening of time between individual runs/practice runs. Some might say that this is also an advantage.

It may be that there is a good reason for doing it the way it is presently done or is it just historical ?

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Post by Munchkin » Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:47 am

I like the thought of this - especially when standing around in my kit all day and there are some good arguments for it BUT the problems would be (as far as I can see):

1. People in multiple events (for example at Marple I was in the C1 and C2, doing 4 runs in half a day would have left me in even more pain today than I already am!); and

2. People in lower divisions that may not have the strength/ stamina to do two good runs in quick succession; and

3. I find it helps watching other divisions (higher or lower) as a way of learning what to do and what not to do, would this be lost?

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Post by PaulBolton » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:18 pm


if your event was in the afternoon how would you get any pratise? I can't see many clubs having the space, time or resouces to set up 2 courses, so might this proposal result in even less water time? Would it not also result in competitors having to turn up really early for practice but then have to wait around until the afternoon for 2 barely seperated runs?

My initial thoughts are that this idea has merit, but I think some of the practicalities could be insurmountable or have as many adverse effects as positive.

Practise in the lower divisions is really important. My sons a Div 4 and I make several suggestions in practise to help him paddle the unique challanges different courses present which, he then tries to use in the "race". Without this practise (he's only just 10) he'd really struggle and probably wouldn't enjoy the events as much and as we don't have any local gates is very important to his development. I'd welcome more, well organised, practises and shorter lunch breaks!!

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Post by mwilk » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:04 pm

Wouldn't the practice time just split into two ? One prior to the morning session, just for those to be racing in that session. Ditto for the afternoon. I'm just referring to the official practice full runs, of course. Free practice sessions shouldn't be affected.

I do see the point about multi-class entries though.

I can also see that there'd be too short a time between runs at some Div 4 races because of the low number of entrants. But that's a problem that needs fixing by some means anyway.

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Post by Carlr » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:13 pm

Why not just get the organiser to put all entries into a hat and do a draw, save on any hassle of actually having to compete and just think of the money every one would save let alone the inconveniance of having to get up early to travel, we all have other commitments but i always find a way of getting to a race even if it means leaving home at silly oclockin the morning. If it aint broke leave alone, events are ok as they are! I would rather have a 2 to 3 hour gap between runs to enable you to recover and if you had a bad run you have time to sort your next run out by looking at the course again.

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Post by mwilk » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:42 pm

If it aint broke, don't fix it

or similar .. is the most annoying phrase in the English language. If the human race had always taken that attitude, we'd all still be going to work on a horse and cart, lighting our homes with candles and eating raw meat.

It was just a suggestion - for discussion - that might make participation easier for some; not an attempt to fix something that was 'broke'.

Seedy Paddler
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Post by Seedy Paddler » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:14 pm

The proposal is how things were in the old days - and I believed they weren't broke then! So the addage has already been shafted once why stop there! :p

The main reasons given at the time for the change were to ensure that paddlers had at least 1 hour between competition runs and to encourage multi-class paddling.

The ability to run one division in the morning with the second in the afternoon allowed me (as an organiser) to utilise the non-paddling division as judges etc. This ensured that even at small events we were covered by sufficient judges.

As a paddler it meant I could complete my runs and then move onto something else. I always found it easier to multi-task as I was normally a lower division in kneely type boats than kayaks, by having one class in the morning the other in the afternoon it was easier to focus and prepare. Normally this meant one session was for a laugh whilst the other would be a bit more aggresive. Never worked out which was best as the casual drift in the morning with one blade could help set lines for the main event, however getting the main event done and dusted meant you could put more into the afternoon without feeling you should hold something back! And the lack of a support stroke on one side in the fun event often lead to a chill before the main run! :(

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Post by Dee » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:20 pm

I think this idea has some merit, but I'm not sure about swapping the order for the second day that just means that the poor competitors who have to be up at the crack of dawn to get there Saturday are the same ones who have to hang around before starting the 4 hour drive back on the Sunday evening!
Kit Washer, Entry Clerk, Chauffeur, Reluctant Organiser, Online Entry Advocate .....
Anything I post under this user is my personal opinion; I am not posting as a member of the Slalom Committee!


Post by 66-1146487544 » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:42 pm

Anyone fancy a trial run of this proposal to see what they think of it?

It just so happens that with the Tryweryn Graveyard Prem/Div 1 being held on the same weekend as the Bala Mill Div 2/3 Double, Ormskirk Scouts have agreed to run the Div 2's & Div 3's back-to-back so that parents/helpers/club officials/etc. have a chance to support both events equally.

At this point in time we haven't even got as far as thinking about separate practice times and multiple class entries, so please keep your comments/suggestions coming in. That way we will be able to run the event to accommodate everyone as much as possible.

See you all in Bala on the 3rd/4th May.

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Post by mwilk » Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:23 pm

That is good news about that weekend in Bala and perhaps a good case in point.
My club are running the Graveyard event - for which they will need me on start - but I would have like to have competed down the road at the Div 2/3 race. Now its looks like I can do a bit of both.

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