Locker trouble?

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Neil H
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Locker trouble?

Post by Neil H » Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:09 pm

You be the judge

Lee Valley, Sunday morning early (two hours before any rafters showed up) for Southern Region training. I'm showing a friend how the lockers (which aren't big) work. A nearby staff member says to her as she is pushing her bag into the locker that she could break the door of it's hinges (cheap lockers I guess) and that the lockers aren't for kayakers who should and I quote "put their bags back in their car" and went on to say "we don't like kayakers. I pointed out that we had payed a lot of money to use the course and merely said I wasn't going to argue with her.

I just reckon a training course in customer service etiquette might be beneficial.

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by alldaypaddler » Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:25 pm

They did this to us on Saturday.

One of the staff said that if there weren't enough lockers for the rafters, they'd tell us to move our stuff out. :x

michael h
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by michael h » Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:43 pm

I also spoke to a member of staff on Saturday, who informed us that he was locking empty lockers to save for the rafters that were due to arrive. he also told us that the large amount of 'out of order' lockers were due to the batteries not working and that they didn't have any spares.

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Terryg » Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:37 pm

She had a go at several people on Sunday. She also said that a lot of the lockers didn't work because the canoeists keep breaking them!

Neil H
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Neil H » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:05 am

It's not the first time I've seen that particular person rip into a customer. Disgraceful.
I can't say it's all the staff but that person definitely needs some retraining.
The battery thing is laughable.
If I was ever told to remove my stuff from a locker I'd pick my words carefully.
If they haven't got enough lockers/batteries for all that's bad planning and their issue not ours.
I wonder if any of the lockers has ever been broken and even if it has could they definitely attribute it to a kayaker over a rafter. I doubt it
I'm betting she is rude to most people, as people like that can't help themselves, Kayakers are her pet hate though.

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by alldaypaddler » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:40 am

Maybe she should be told that the course (and her job) wouldn't exist if it wasn't for canoeists - it was after all built as an olympic slalom course.

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by djberriman » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:01 pm

Seriously I know stuff like this can be annoying but do we need to be calling people ****** and ****** on a public forum which anyone can see - it doesn't reflect well on canoeing.

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Terryg » Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:44 pm

djberriman wrote:Seriously I know stuff like this can be annoying but do we need to be calling people ****** and ****** on a public forum which anyone can see - it doesn't reflect well on canoeing.
Your right Duncan, poor choice of words on my part.

Neil H
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Neil H » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:54 pm

****** is my toned down version for the forum - it's just a word.

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by boatmum » Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:52 pm

PLease please please

Send in a formal complaint to:

The Centre

Head Office and Information Service
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
Myddelton House, Bulls Cross, Enfield EN2 9HG
Tel: 08456 770 600

Derrick Ashley, Chairman of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority.

The BCU c/o Paul Owen CEO

The BCU slalom committee C/o Anne Hounslow - Chair


London 2012
One Churchill Place
Canary Wharf
London E14 5LN

and I'd mark it for the attention of Seb Coe

This type of behaviour is unacceptable and unless the folk in charge know what is happening nothing will be done about it

Neil H
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Neil H » Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:19 pm


You are of course right. I started it as a rant (with a bit of tongue in cheek - hence the title) as that is what it was, a rant, if you will, against the machine. That won't change anything though and writing in may not either perhaps. I think all the steam vented you have a salient point.

I think we went off on one here in the heat of the moment, it's emotive but a public forum after all. If you were there she was pretty damned rude, so I can see why it put peoples backs up. It's like anything you can't judge it from afar.

I stand by my statement that she needs retraining but on the upside, all the other staff I have ever had contact with there have been excellent, which I think should be said in any letter too. Credit where it's due.

Sumboddy who rights wel shud dew a letur , stating the facts. I think it would carry more weight if it came from a collective of those who have experienced such problems. Not sure how to manage that but could probably draw it form this thread.

Thanks for being a voice of reason

See ya in the season I am sure

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Neil Footitt
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Neil Footitt » Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:27 pm

Not sure that I agree Mr Large - Bulky -Brain

I think that a single letter will be placed tidily under the carpet but a series of formal complaints by more than one signatory will no be swept away.

I think thta if your compliant is wholly legitmate you do not need the suuport or backing of others in similar large machines.

I also credit you with the sense that those that do perform to thier training should be applauded.

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Neil Footitt
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Neil Footitt » Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:29 pm

OMG - where was spell check when I needed it most !!!


Neil H
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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by Neil H » Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:08 pm

OMG? You are spending too much time around the text generation.

As far as I'm concerned OMG will always stand for Oscillating Milling Grinder - a stalwart of the industrial revolution, Jebidiah Walton is much overlooked

You have a point about the letter

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Re: Locker trouble?

Post by SteveM » Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:57 pm

Hi, sorry but I've had a few complaints about the use of some emotive words on this thread, hence the edits above.

They might be just words but they are out of place in a family-friendly environment such as this board. Please all bear this in mind in future.

It would also be better if the issues were raised with those responsible rather than discussed here.



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