5.1 Risk Assesment - 2011 ACM Motions

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Canadian Paddler
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Post by Canadian Paddler » Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:12 pm

At the 2011 ACM a motion was passed that all clubs must undertake a risk assessment and submit it with their application to run an event in 2012. This is likely to become an insurance requirement in the near future. To prompt organisers to not only produce a risk assessment, but consider it at the event, organisers should supply the risk assessment to the Chair of the Jury. The Jury Chair is not being asked to assess the risk assessment, just to receive it and send it to the slalom committee who can review and possibly suggest improvements for future years
For the 2012 season onwards, organisers must demonstrate that they have considered and where appropriate managed risks properly by providing a risk assessment to the Jury Chair prior to the race, these will be returned to the committee with the Jury form.
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Post by djberriman » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:56 pm

I downloaded the Risk assessment document prior to our last event and was disappointed to find it did not really provide a structure to help me as I expected. In fact the first 'risk' mentioned was the financial viability of the event which I found rather curious. Reading the document I wasn't sure if it was about risk assessment as I understand it. It seemed to be covering two different issues risk/safety to people and risks to the event (power/money) which I found very confusing.

For those who have not seen it please see http://www.canoeslalom.co.uk/organisers_pack/index.htm

Whilst I applaud its development please could we have something more focused on assessing risk and taking us through what we need to consider as organisers (who perhaps do one event per year!). I'm thinking of something which leads us through each question, a sort of check list, obviously with room for anything individual about the site. The current document is a good start but just to vague to help us who never do such things in normal life.

I would like it to help us consider the questions, things we may not have though of etc. Given the wealth of experience of running events and hopefully some people who assess risk can we improve on the current document?

I guess the above requirement may focus minds and help to create a better document on the other hand it may make people just give up as they don't really know where to start.

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Post by Nicky » Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:09 pm

we have to do them anyway as part of access agreements, so adds little work, i'm happy to provide anyone with copies of ours which are essentially generic with a few tweeks to make them course specific

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jim croft
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Post by jim croft » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:33 pm

I have to supply a risk assesment to the Council to run events at Cardington - I am more than happy to let anybody have a copy as it is easy to adapt, as we did for HPP British Open at HPP
Jim :D

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Post by Nicky » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:34 pm

mine is an adapted version of Jim's!

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